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Big Nasty

34B Lope

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Saw tons of antelope today but this one made the mistake of coming into my decoy at 30 yards!  

Added story!

Was in a valley just north and way of the highway 82/83 intersection.  Saw probably 50+lope running in a circle around the valley.  They would let me get to about 70 yards and then push the does off.  About 10:00 in the morning I moved to one of the few trees  to get out of the sun and put up my decoy.  I saw this buck and a doe about 200 yards up the hill running towards another hunter at the top of the hill.  The doe spooked and ran and this guy turned, saw my decoy and slowly made his way to me.  Took about 30 min to cover those 200 yards.  He stopped at 60 and started to go the other way so I drew.  At that point he started to come back again so I let down.  He went down into the wash and popped up behind my decoy at 30 yards.  Two steps to the left and I had a solid quartering towards shot.  Put it in right in front of the shoulder and came out the opposite hind quarter.  Took out lung, liver and femoral.  He ran about 20 yards and went down. Was a ton of fun.


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Congrats.  Love it when things come together on an archery hunt.  Being able to draw at 30 yards without him seeing ya is not easy.

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That was a rush I bet !!! Congratulations and thanks for sharing !

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Archery Pronghorn… I tip my hat to you. That’s terrific 🤙🏻

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