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Question on Santa Rita Road and Adobe Canyon Road

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I'm headed back to Sonoita for a few days next week with a friend and my two dogs. We had a great time last year about the same time hunting Mearns.


Last year off the 82, access to Fort and Hog Canyons was blocked by home owners and there were no trespassing signs. So, we drove up around to the 83 and came in through Gardner Canyon.


I was wondering if I could drive in off of the 83 onto Santa Rita Road and drive it all the way in to Hog Canyon, or is the access blocked? I know it goes through private property.


Also, is Adobe Canyon Road off of the 82 accessable or is it blocked also since it is private property.


If both Adobe and Santa Rita are blocked, I'll just have to come in through Gardner Valley.


Thanks in advance, and Happy New Year!!!


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As far as I know thru Gardner is the only "legal" way to get in there. I have gone into hog thru the pvt property and not been hassled recently. But I drive slow, don't make dust or noise and keep the quad trailored until well onto natl forest land. The gate isn't locked. But it is a gamble. A few years ago one of the property owners started to give me a tresspassing tongue lashing till they saw my oldest boy who was young then and I explained I was just trying to scout for a deer for him and then they were nice and let me pass. Now I just use the quad and go thru Gardner. Just less hassle even though it adds a half hour to the drive. As far as Adobe. That gate off 82 is locked. you have to go thru Gardner, then Hog. Good luck.

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Thanks. All that land off the highways is private property there. I know that it used to be most of the private property owners did not seem to mind giving access to the public land, but that has changed.


I'll just drive in through Gardener.


Thanks again


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