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Muley in regression?

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I was bowhunting today and saw a Mule Deer like none I have ever seen before. He was a spike with one spike about 18-20" tall. The other was about 8" tall, but didn't look broken. Both spikes were really thick. For a spike he had some mass. The other thing is that he is still in velvet. Is this something typical of a MD in regression, or is it just a goofy looking buck? Also, when the does were standing there trying to figure out what I was, he was getting outta Dodge!

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He could just be a freak, or a young "cactus buck", a castorated deer that will grow freakish antlers. Seeing them in velvet is not uncommon. I have seen small bucks that still had velvet on their antlers just before they drop them in the spring. They are deer that just have not learned to rub their horns.

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He's definitely a buck that has received an injury to his testicles at one point. The injury, whether accidental or on purpose (some ranchers have been known to catch fawns and castrate them for the very purpose of growing strange antlers) has affected his ability to produce the cycle of hormones that include growing a set of antlers, polishing them, rutting, and then shedding them. These eunuch bucks do not rut or mate, and their antlers continue to grow year round without being shed. Since he is a spike like you say, he was probably injured as a spike, and the antlers have continued to grow in like manner. That explains the shear length and mass of the spikes. This is the same kind of phenomenon as a cactus buck, but the more impressive cactus bucks are wounded after having developed a more mature rack and then the injury produces the little velvet protrusions all over their antlers. These deer will usually hang out with does and are not subject to the rut induced stupidity that their potent buddies who are not injured will be. That is why he didn't stick around to see you. As far as how old he is, the other typical signs of an old deer apply, pot belly, sway back, gray muzzle, etc... I think the current SCI world record is a good representation of a cactus buck that was injured after already growing a well developed rack. But be gentle with these guys, they are impotent and have received enough humiliation from the bachelor groups growing up. Remember, this was not a volitional act, no self respecting buck would want to get a wound to the testes, even if it will likely keep him alive longer :).

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hello - this is what a really old muleys rack looks like - no teeth left in this guy - taken in Nov.post-3096-1230751215_thumb.jpg

nice job on the antler mount ,huh!! wink,nod


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I never thought about him being some variation of a cactus buck. He was running with Does, and he didn't look that old. At least he wasn't white faced.

With that one tall goofy shaped spike he reminded me of the dog from How The Grinch Stole Christmas.

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