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Coues Archer

Need Serious Help!

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Hey guys i went hunting today and spotted one of the biggest deer ive ever seen. Thats a muley of course! Well all was going good i stalked the buck and closed the distance on him i had a good 45 yard shot and i let the arrow go right through his arm pit looked like it hit his heart but the arrow stayed in him. As i saw this monster run i saw hardly any blood coming out of him so i kept my eye on him as he went into mesquites. So i waited 45 minutes and as i try to follow the blood trail it becomes really hard because there was not too much blood. I then search for him everywhere and dont find him what do you guys suggest i do. :angry:

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get as many people together as possible and start a search form the spot he was shot. Search in gradually larger circles, and look in every bush and tree and cut that could hide a buck. If he was shot in the heart, like you said, he probably would not go more than 100 yards or so.


With the warm weather you will only have a day or so before it spoils.


Take a dog if you have one.

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Bummer guy! Sounds like you were alone. If you haven't found him by now he will be spoiled by morning unless you are in really cold temps. Try and find a few buddies who can go with you tomorrow and look again. That buck deserves to be tracked to the best of your ability and just maybe with some help you will pick up the trail again. I've been very fortunate to have some good trackers help me in situations like that and an extra set of eyes is a blessing no matter how good a tracker you are. Game Hauler found my buck last year when I just couldn't put it together and you need to give it another try even if it might be spoiled by now. Good luck and keep us posted. :)



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TJ is right.

Get people out there.

The good, bad or ugly.

Go to where you shot him and tell the story.

Go to the last blood and tell the story.

I followed what TJ told me for a while and came back

and though about what Tom told me.

I know the deer did not go far but we were not looking

in the right direction (Excitement will clog your mind)

I went on my gut feeling and within 10 minutes I found the Deer.

Best of luck and get the best you can out there.

(or anyone, Dogs a +)

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Sounds like TJ and Game hauler should go hunting..... ;)



:) Where did you shot him C.A.

if it's within 2 miles of my home I would love to help (just kidding)

What unit, if you want to share.

Some members may be willing to go help you.

Again, best of luck ;)

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Id be willing to go if its relatively near the valley, i got a dog that might help also. its a bad bad feeling i know. Just dont give up he is out there and if the shot looked good they can still be really tough animals.

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do everything everybody else said; but put some glasses up on any mountains near by -- they might see him up and walking after you push him; or they might see the coyotes feeding on him.... or in a couple days the ravens and TV's will find him for you.

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You have to remember that the arow inside him is just cutting him worse and worse with every move. He will lay down and stove up for sure. He may survive the night but should not be far from your contact point with him. I hope you guys find him.

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ALso look around for the closest water from were you shot him. Lots of times they will go water if there hurtin


Good luck on finding your buck dude. I know the feeling man. I lost a 200"+ Muley in January of 07 that I had been watching since October of 06.

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ALso look around for the closest water from were you shot him. Lots of times they will go water if there hurtin


Good luck on finding your buck dude. I know the feeling man. I lost a 200"+ Muley in January of 07 that I had been watching since October of 06.

Sorry missed up Ill try again.Don't know what the terrain is like but if it goes down hill I would look in that direction.Good Luck.

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Hey guys i went out today with my bro and found a new pretty long blood trail and it stretched for about a good 100 yards and then all of a sudden it starts thining more and more until i could not see the stains on the grass anymore. And from there about 50 yards south of the last spot there was this heavely used ditch and from there is a slight down hill grade. Maybe i should pay more attention too the buzzards or ravens in the area too see where they lead me. I also saw a coyote about 1/2 mile from where i shot the buck also a raven flying by where i shot the deer. Do ravens eat the deer only when it roughts or if its a fresh kill. Please Help.

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