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This is why the RNC lost

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I agree this is a stupid move, but why does the RNC need minority votes? They haven't in20 of the last 28 years. Dems have brainwashed minorities for so long, it's almost pointless to try to sway them to the right. Lost cause.

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Why does the RNC need minority votes? To win. When Bush has "his little brown ones" they won... McCain didn't, he lost... Overall, right or wrong I think the voting records on the Dems seems to favor the minorities of this country... Do I agree with the voting record? Not always but it is the fact. I wish I would have remember the quote but one of the Republican Analysts on CNN said that the RNC is in danger of become a Southern Party with Southern Views.


This just supports that Analysts views...


As far as I am concerned the RNC can (and did) stand by this CD but they better be able to swallow becoming a the third party in a two party system...


Again this does nothing but divide... Ask Bush how that worked for him???



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The RNC didn't stand by the song, one guy is using it in his ads to become the top guy.. So what do we do to get minority votes? What do they want? What does the DNC promise them we don't? Americans need to be treated like Americans. There should be no special platform for race, that's retarded.

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BOOM!!! The RNC just shot itself in the foot...again.


I'm not sure how many times it will take before they realize that if they want people to respect them, they had better stop pulling stupid stunts like this. Funny?...probably. I've not heard it or heard about it until now. But EVERY time something like that is said, done, printed, it always seems to make its way to the press. And we all know how friendly they are to the center-right.

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This is one man in the republican party. There's plenty of others on both sides. I lost faith in the RNC. I don't buy into party alleigience anymore. They are turning into a bunch of wussies (republican politicians, not voters)

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C'mon... This is why the RNC lost? I don't think it is this simple. This parody has been around for at least a year. Others are too.


Anything I say after this is not going to be heard by BO supporters since the libs are all brainwashed but her goes.


Funny how folks are screaming about this but they call Bush and Cheney racist, and claim they blew up the levees in N.O. for flood out minorities and were slow to respond because white people all left before the hurricane. No outcry from media or Dems about unfairness and unfounded lies. Yet BO gets a ditty tossed at him and it is different. This Sounds like the pot calling the kettle black.

This is political satire (humor) and I agree it probably was not a smart move to put it on a CD like this but who ever said our legislators were smart. Slick yes, not smart.


Why don't you google How Obama Got Elected and you should see that a dozen ditties like this could not throw the whole "blame" on the RNC. The Blame is squarely on the uninformed, uneducated, media starstruck, sheeple that vote based on what they hear in a soundbite from Katie Perky Couric or Wolf Blitzem.

Lemmings did it and not to mention the AA's that voted for BO based ONLY on the color of his skin. That was more of a difference in the total votes.


Go ahead though, blame The RNC for this and while you're at it, you might as well wish Sarah Palin luck as she is the new VP according to some voters.


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This is amazing.... Who thought this was a good idea... Again this does nothing but divide us as a country.... This is one of those things that the RNC is going to need to look at when they try to figure out why they don't get any minority votes...







Why does the RNC need minority votes? To win. When Bush has "his little brown ones" they won... McCain didn't, he lost... Overall, right or wrong I think the voting records on the Dems seems to favor the minorities of this country... Do I agree with the voting record? Not always but it is the fact. I wish I would have remember the quote but one of the Republican Analysts on CNN said that the RNC is in danger of become a Southern Party with Southern Views.


This just supports that Analysts views...


As far as I am concerned the RNC can (and did) stand by this CD but they better be able to swallow becoming a the third party in a two party system...


Again this does nothing but divide... Ask Bush how that worked for him???




There is so much wrong here that I dont know where to start , but I guess for #1 I'll ask , whats wrong with it ? It being satire in question .


#2 RNC doesnt get any votes , canidates get votes and when RNC nominates one that is able to articulate commonsense conservative viewpoints then that canidate will win with American votes .


#3 The voting record of the Dems : the Civil Rights Act was passed by 80% Reps and 60% dems , Robert Byrd and Al Gore ,sr were among the many dems opposed . The Repulican party was founded in opposition to slavery .


#4 Southern party with southern views : what does that mean ? Is there something wrong with being southern ? Who is trying to divide who ?


#5 cnn is extremely left leaning


#6The RNC didnt make this cd and they arent standing by it , it is not a plank in their platform .

I find the song hilarious , have you listened to it ?


#7 Your guy won , so again I ask who is stirring things up and trying to divide here ?



#8 Bush went to washington as a uniter with a new tone , ask him how that went .

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I think the point here is that the RNC is under a lot of scrutiny right now from a lot of angles. Supporting anything like this that could even possibly draw any negative attention to the party does nothing but continue to bring the party down. You can't be all things to all people, but doing things like this will loose voters before the issues are even up for debate.


There is no question that the party needs new blood right now. They need to look at ALL demographic groups of people that voted the other way and try and figure out how to win there votes. One of the other groups they need to focus on is the under 30 voters. They are loosing ground fast with the younger generation and need to find ways to appeal to them as well.


I don't believe they need to change there message, they just need to re-wrap the package.

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