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Windshield time...

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This trip began at the start of quail season.

As you know, Scottyboy LOVES to hunt quail, especially Mearns.

We kept trying to find an opening in our schedules for a hunt and it finally happened this past weekend.


We were planning on heading down to Southern AZ to give me a taste of chasing Mearns.

This would be my first time out on two experiences. First time for Mearns, and first time hunting with dogs.

Scott has two great hunting dogs, Penny and Virgil, which you all know already from pics.

From what was to transpire next, I come to find they LOVE to hunt, more than Scottyboy even!


The night before, we contemplated our game plan.

We were now going to try at the AZ quail slam!

We would start with Gambels, then Scaled, and finish with Mearns.

This would also be my first experience at even seeing a scaled quail, let alone hunt them.


The Gambels won. (this time) Scott told me these would be the hardest to find and I thought he was crazy.

We left with our frozen and frosted boots to find scalies. (20 minute drive)

Scott got us on two coveys at the first ridge we went to.

This guy knows his stuff!


Now it's time to haul down to the Mexico border to find Mearns.


Scott asks me if it's okay if we try a new area he had never been to.

I was game, and we hunt some virgin territory. Full of high faced ridges and wonderful views of the

surrounding mountain ranges. This was some tough hiking though. His dogs were having a blast

and the running never even phased them. They probably ran five times the miles we hiked, easily.


It's cool to watch them work too. They comb the area back and forth back and forth.

Their stature changes as soon as they get "birdy" and it's showtime. Virgil is the coolest to watch since his tail

stands straight up when he's on birds. It was an awesome experience. Did I mention these birds sit until you

practically step on them?! Unbelievable. Makes me wonder how many birds I walk by while deer hunting.

Penny even pointed at several birds that were two inches off her face!


Thanks Scott for the invite. As soon as my legs recover, we'll go again!










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It looks like that was a fun hunt, maybe next time you can get all three species for a slam ;)

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Nice job


I have had more trouble finding scaled than any other species this year I would bet if you drove down that mtn and went a bit closer to the golf course you would have had no trouble at all getting your gambles ;) .


that is a fine looking pointer!! thanks for the story.

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I'm glad you had a good time, Hector.. I just wish we woulda got into a covey or 2 of gambels.. That "new" country down south wasnt quite like I like it too. There were plenty of birds in there, but it was THICK and STEEP!! Might have to try it one more time before the season winds down..


Matt, I figured you'd like my pointer.. He's outta Honkey Tonk blood!

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I'm glad you had a good time, Hector.. I just wish we woulda got into a covey or 2 of gambels.. That "new" country down south wasnt quite like I like it too. There were plenty of birds in there, but it was THICK and STEEP!! Might have to try it one more time before the season winds down..


Matt, I figured you'd like my pointer.. He's outta Honkey Tonk blood!


Where did you get him? who is the dam and sire? Looking at him I would bet there is a bit of Guardrail in him as well? rebel blood

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I'm glad you had a good time, Hector.. I just wish we woulda got into a covey or 2 of gambels.. That "new" country down south wasnt quite like I like it too. There were plenty of birds in there, but it was THICK and STEEP!! Might have to try it one more time before the season winds down..


Matt, I figured you'd like my pointer.. He's outta Honkey Tonk blood!


Where did you get him? who is the dam and sire? Looking at him I would bet there is a bit of Guardrail in him as well? rebel blood


One of my best buds back in TX had the litter a few years ago and let me have the pick.. He owns Mist Kennels.


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Lucky you got your honky tonk dog when you did it looks like he has went all in on Rock acre blackhawk. Nice site though and a bunch of nice looking animals. I think I will try a touch of Rock acre blood some day. I would like to take a peek at you dogs pedigree if you have a chance and would like to share. I will be gone for christmas so I will be away for awhile but after that maybe

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