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2008 Ryan & Amy

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I found a nice buck for my wife while scouting a few weeks before the hunt. I got him on video a few different times. We went in there opening morning, thinking that Amy would soon have another nice buck, but the weather didn't agree. The clouds were so low we couldn't see the mountain side 250 yards infront of us, it was raining, the wind was blowing...you get the idea. At the end of the day we drove out of there with only seeing about 10 does. My wife was really disappointed because we only had a few days together before the kids came home. And I was very surprised I didn't find that buck-I knew he was in there.


Next morning we went to a different spot where we have had success in the past. Before the sun came up we could see the stars and we knew it was going to be a day with better weather. So off we went and by the time the sun came up...the wind, the rain, and the clouds came with it! I glassed up 2 spikes right away...I asked Amy if she wanted to shoot a spike and she gave me a definate "NO". About 1 hour later in this horrible freezing wind and rain she came and sat by me and said, "babe, do you think you could find those spikes again? I think I'll shoot one now." I told her I thought they had left cause they were headed down a canyon. Chances were slim, but I would keep my eye out for something. Within 5 minutes I found those 2 dang spikes 200 yards infront of us. I was debating on whether I was even gonna tell Amy cause I knew she would shoot anything just to get out of the weather, get her kids back and I bought her a new 22-250 that she hadnt got to shoot anything with yet and I knew she was dying to kill something with it. I told her and she shot once and dropped him...and low and behold the minute we walked over to the spike the weather cleared and there was not a cloud in the sky the rest of the day. After killing many big bucks I guess the combination of missing the kids, shooting her new gun, and the weather made her weak!!!!


The next morning Amy and I went back to find that buck I had video taped. We got up there and the weather started out the same way as the 2 previous days. I just wanted to sit in the truck. I decided I would go and sit in the wind again and start glassing. Within 15 minutes I found 4 bucks. 2 of them were the ones I had video taped (and planned on Amy killing) and the other 2 I hadn't seen before. She was a little disappointed at this point for killing that spike the day before. So she took over glassing while I took out to stock. I was climbing a horrible mountain and thought that mountain couldn't get any steeper. I ranged the bucks and they were still 635 yards away. I still needed to get closer. I had the wind in my favor, it was keeping them from moving too quickly. They were just feeding the 2 hours it took me to get up there. My next stop I ranged them at 567 yards. I was trying to get closer but I was running out of time cause they were feeding over the mountain. I ranged them at 493 yards and decided it was now or never. I had a good rest, set up some binoculars and picked out the one that I wanted. I shot (22-250) and hit him with the first and second shot. He bedded down and I waited for Amy to hike up to me so we could go and get him. When she got close to me, the buck jumped up and ran about 300 yards away from us and bedded down. One more shot and he was mine. My biggest buck so far.


Another successful hunt for me and Amy.


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It ALWAYS seems to work that way doesn't it. The second you settle for some lesser animal, a better one comes along and you kick your self! That really sucks for Amy, but I might have done the same thing as well. But it really beats going home with tag soup!

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nice to see you back again. Congrats to you and your wife. Happy Holidays ;)

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Congratulations to both of you! Definitely worth getting out of the truck.



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Well thank you guys for all your remarks and support. It was a fun hunt. The part that makes our hunts the funnest is that this is the only time of year that we coordinate time away from work and away from the kids to be together. It started when we first met I was putting in for hunting and she asked if I would put her in. She told me that if "she had to hunt to spend time with me then that's what she wanted to do". It started out as just a tag along then she shot a deer that year and then she started killing big ones and getting attention and it was all over after that. I don't mind one bit. To be honest with you guys I would prefer her to kill the big deer before me. First reason is I trust her shooting before mine(women don't seem to get buck fever as bad as men). The second reason is that the deer always seem bigger when the women shoot em. It is no big deal for a man to kill a nice deer but if a woman kills it every one gets a little more excited. The third is the look on her face and the way she starts rambling on from excitement from the first moment she sees her nice deer till several weeks after the hunt. I think she enjoys out doing the men and especially beating me year after year. If you want to see her past success she is on pg 19 and 108 of the photogallery under az rifle hunting.


I would like to thank you all for looking and replying.



I would also like to thank my dad john for taking me out as a little boy to help me build love for the outdoors.


I would also like to thank Danny Carrosco for taking the time to teach me how to glass. If it wasn't for him we wouldn't have got our deer the last 6 yrs. Thank you danny you deserve credit for these deer too.

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