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Where do Mearns typically Roost at night?

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I've got some conflicting information, one says the Mearns roost on top of the canyons and the other on the bottoms?


Where have you guys usually found Mearns first thing in the morning when they are still roosting, or shortly thereafter?



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From what I have read, they "roost" on the ground, not in trees, in the bottoms of the draws, huddling in a circle. Sleep in, have a good breakfast and let them move around as opposed to busting a roost at first light. Also, many quit hunting around 3 pm to let the coveys they may have busted call and regroup for the night.

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Yep they roost on the ground. I've heard people say that they will aviod the COLD bottom of draws and they will but up high on western facing hills to soak up the last bit of warmth from the sun. Thats all I've heard, haven't experienced it much my self. But for sure they roost on the ground hudled in a group.

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