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Almost a windy day dog!

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Yesterday and today started out pretty nasty. Had plans to call both days, but they got cancelled because it was rainy and windy.


Well, about 1030 I decided it was a nice day to call! (at my house anyways) Made the 22 mile drive, and was in coyote country!


As soon as I opened the door, I was greeted by a steady 10-15 mph wind. Great. Well, I ended up setting up with the wind as a cross wind. I really didnt expect anything to come in as I was less than 300 yards from a fairly high traveled highway. About 7 minutes in I see a coyote haulin arse in! Sweet! I can tell this dog is coming in seriously, but decided not to switch from my Kimber, 22-250 to my 870 12 guage... Mistake! I had the coyote in my cross hairs at about 20 yards (max) I yipped at him, but he wouldnt stop. He then made his way around to my left and got in my scent trail and took off. I never saw him again!


Man, was that a good increase of the pulse!


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<_< Thats too bad! At least you had some action. I went out Sunday morning and Monday evening with out any luck! I figured with the perfect weather calling would be pretty productive but that just wasn't the case. Next time give em heck with that shotgun!



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I actually started out with the shotgun too. Made my first set, then switched to the rifle. Wish I wouldnt have!


It was a moral victory calling one in with how bad the wind was! Oh well. I will get some more this weekend!

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I am learning that you need to just bring both a rifle and gauge because what ever you don't have you will need. Besides you would hate to call in a lion with only a shotgun in your hand(you may have a moral decision to make.)

Good luck Josh

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Josh, I had them both. I carry both on every stand. It is always hard to decided which to have in hand though!


I would assume you saw the post on PM.com talking exactly what you brought up....

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Just a safety advice or reminder: if you are using one gun and quickly decide to switch to the other, do not forget to put the safety back on if you already took it off.


Ernesto C

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