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Guess I'll start....

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Him and I drew the same tag this year. We got lucky, there's no question about that. That's an entirely different story......on to this one.


Due to work constraints, we didn't have much time to hunt together. He had several days to hunt and so do I, but rarely on the same days. Opening day started out great, seeing multiple bucks and even some good chasing going on. Everything was going great and the excitement almost never let up throughout the day. About 1pm in the afternoon, my friend Mark glassed up a good buck.


Rewind back to last year on his first hunt. He broke his ankle a week or so before the hunt so with a cast on 1 foot, and a CHAMP permit in hand, Dave managed to shoot a 2x3 on the 2nd day of hunting. He loves to get out, understands the magnitude of a late permit, but is also practical in his thinking of what he wanted to hold out for given his circumstances. He wanted to shoot a nice respectable buck.


Okay, back to the hunt. Dave and I made our way down the mountain to get a closer shot at the buck. It was very difficult to get set up because of the grass, shooting from a downward slope, UPHILL! This buck was MOVING! Obviously searching for some pretty little female, the buck just wouldn't hold still. Finally the buck stopped and Dave fired, hitting just to the left. The buck didn't give us much of a 2nd shot either.....


Later that day, Dave ended up glassing up another good buck way up high and off we went. After getting to our point, we were unable to locate the buck again. After seeing and passing on a few other bucks that evening, we chalked up day 1 for the books... Dave went out again the next day with my dad and fought 30mph winds while seeing lots of does and 1 buck.


Finally work gave me the chance to go out again with Dave and off we went. After glassing up and passing several bucks that morning, we moved to the next point. As soon as I got there, I set my tripod down and noticed several deer running down in the bottom. It was great! I found 4 bucks and several does chasing, rutting and making all sorts of racket down in the bottom. After watching them for a bit, we decided to make an effort at one of the bucks. Then another buck appears that's a little bigger. Great, another buck! What a problem to have!!!


Finally, after watching them for a bit and waiting for the right chance at getting closer, a 6th buck appears. We have 6 bucks within 100 yards of eachother, ready for action! We decided this would be our target buck.


After about 30 minutes of watching and contemplating our move, we decided to shoot from there. To spare you an even longer story (or an explanation on WHY we chose to take this shot) I'll cut to the chase. Be assured that I spent enough time at the range with my rifle and my brother to feel confident that we could do it.


We were just about to shoot the buck in his bed when he stood and gave us a full broadside shot. Dave sent that 110gr Accubond 620yds and nailed the buck! It was awesome!


The buck went down and we never saw him again so I worked my way over from a different angle to find him again. He was 10yds from where he stood when he was hit, PILED UP!! The great thing about it is the other deer were rutting all around this buck as he lay on the ground. This is my brothers 2nd coues deer and we're all (including Dave) tickled to death about his hunt. Some cool things about his buck- 4" bases and 16 1/2" main beams. We're pretty sure it's the same buck he missed opening morning. He scores 95 3/8". Me on the other hand, still waiting for a buck wanting to wear my tag..... Good luck to all those still hunting




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  firstcoueswas80 said:


What .257 caliber gun was he shooting?


He was shooting my Tikka T-3 Lite in 25-06


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