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Everyone please look at this!

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I just wanted to pop this string back up in front of y'all's faces even though there are two other strings on this hot topic. We need to stay all over this thing until it dies!

What other ideas does anyone have to bring this to the attention of every single Arizona sportsman??


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Mike It isn't my property. It belongs to a really good friend of my family. They don't hunt and they know we love to, so we can go and hunt when ever we want. I just call it mine becuase I don't like to have to explain it every time. It just so happens that I have the keys in my truck right now. It is only five acres that sucks that only people with 2000 acres get the tags. They do own the whole thing and it has been in their family for I think five generations. The forest service has been trying to buy that land for years.

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Thanks for the reply, BCoover.

I apologize for coming on strong. It will be a strong temptation for anyone with 2000 acres to not want to score on this proposal.

If it goes through, it will be horrible for us regular guys and our children.


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