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Mixed Bag

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Me and Brent went out duck hunting. I brought 12 dekes and a baby mojo for our spread. We set up in some reeds and got the day going. A group of 3 wigeon gave our spread a good look but never dropped in. We got some pass shots on some divers a bit later. We ended up getting a wigeon, a ring neck and a ruddy duck. After about an hour without seeing any more ducks flying we packed it up and decided to jump some other spots. I saw a drake goldeneye. It dove under and I closed the gap to 70 yards. Then it dove again and I got to about 30 yards and when it popped back up and then it flushed, hit it twice before it went down. It turned out it was perfect and I didn't shoot it up that bad so I'm going to mount it. If anyone know a taxidermist that does good work for a flyer mount at a reasonable price please let me know. We jumped some teal up and brent got one and the other one flew my way and I got it on the third shot. It fell into some thick reeds. We found some blood splatters and followed them to a puddle of blood with some fresh raccoon poo and after about 20 minutes of searching around there we concluded that the raccoon got it. Thanks to Josh for giving us some insight on where to set up! My mojo has not been "pulling" ducks down like I had hoped so if anyone has some tips on how and where to use it in a spread it would be greatly appreciated. Pics will be up soon.

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first and for most ? where did you hunt one mini will not do the job in az. these ducks have been shot at throughout 4-5 states already. set out a doz. dekes or so and some good calling you'll get a response, this is a tough duck state. right time right place plays a big part. PM me I'll give some hints ;)

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