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100 antelopes relocated from Utah to Arizona




Maybe next year we can get some deers too?



:lol: :lol: :lol:

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I wonder where in UT they came from? I would guess/suspect from the Plateau unit near Antimony. That herd is not known for trophy horns- lotsa 12 inchers. I thought they released some UT antelope near Dugas several years ago, also.

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I wonder where in UT they came from? I would guess/suspect from the Plateau unit near Antimony. That herd is not known for trophy horns- lotsa 12 inchers. I thought they released some UT antelope near Dugas several years ago, also.


I was asking the same thing and I also thought they probably came from that area. I worked up there and yes there are not many big ones at all. Historicaly there weren't any pronghorn up there but now there a TONS. They have 3, i think, perminent corals for cathcing pronghorn on that mountain.

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I think Utah really saw us coming on that deal. They send us a bunch of dink Parker Mountain goats and a few tukeys and we send them Bighorn Sheep? Won't do much for the awesome genetics we've got here in Arizona, but it will help the G&F out in there quest for more opportunity ..... as far as the antelope are concerned anyway. As for the Bighorn I can't imagine why we'd be willing to part ways with ANY of them being that there are so few of them here to begin with and the trade will just decrease the "opportunity" here in AZ???


Here's an Idea... take any surplus bighorn and transplant them within AZ to areas with struggling populations or no population at all.


What I want to know is just where on the Prescott National Forest did they release them? Perhaps unit 8 around Drake?

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