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G&F Proposes new rule for rifles

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Well, now that I have your attention.....they haven't proposed this yet, but gun hunters are next.


Even if you don't agree with using salt or anything else, we as hunters need to stand together AGAINST G&F. The G&F agenda is about limiting success to increase tag sales (they call it opportunity). They already decreased rifle rut tags to increase the number of tag sales ("opportunity"), and they won't stop there. They will just keep taking away our tools, high power scopes, long range rifles, water holes, scents, calls, bait or anything else, to increase tag sales. Bait is just the first item on their agenda. A couple of factoids about hunting with bait: It's really not that easy as some would have you believe. It's a lot of work, with mixed results. I estimate it to be about as successful as hunting water, just a lot more work. I have used bait just so I don't have to share a water hole with other hunters. It is considered fair by Pope & Young, P&Y, and the Safari Club. I know a lot of gun hunters don't consider it fair, but it's just another tool bow hunters use to get closer to game, just like some rifle hunters use a high powered scope, a ballistics program, a high BC bullet, laser range finder, or whatever to "get closer" to an animal at long range. It's just another tool in your tool box, if you are willing to devote the time to it.


If you haven't done so yet, please take just a minute to write a few lines to G&F opposing the proposed rule change on bait. All hunters need to stand together against G&F, or divided we will all eventually lose the hunting we enjoy so G&F can increase "opportunity".


Here are the email addresses:






PS: Sorry that I had to sucker you in on the thread with the topic.


BWakeling@azgfd.gov (Brian Wakeling)

AMunig@azgfd.gov (Amber Munig)

ccook@azgfd.gov (Celeste Cook)


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This thing has to go to the capital for final approval I believe. I think that is the best chance to get it stopped. Slim as it might be. The future Gov didn't appoint any of these political hacks and brown nosers that reside on the commission.

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There is nothing that the commission could propose that would sur :blink: prise me. They all need to sit in a circle and rub their skulls together and hopefully come up with an intelligent idea once in awhile.

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