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california lead ban expanded

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Condor Lead Ammunition Ban Expanded by Court Settlement


(from an SCI news bulletin)


A legal settlement approved by the Court has expanded the lead ammunition ban currently in place in Condor “range” in California, an expansive area in south and central California.


The settlement requires the California fish and game agencies to ban the use of lead ammunition for killing animals under “depredation” permits, effective immediately.


The settlement also requires the agencies to propose a regulation in May 2009 banning lead ammunition in the taking of jackrabbits and other hares, several species of rabbit, and tree squirrels in Condor range.


The groups involved in the lawsuit, including the Center for Biological Diversity, have vowed to push for a ban on lead ammunition for all hunting throughout the state.


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I wonder how the "lead ban" and "cop killer bullet ban" are going to work together? I realize that cop killer bullets haven't been banned yet and lead bullets are still allowed in most states, but if we can't use lead bullets we have to use copper bullets which also happen to be considered "cop killer bullets". What are hunters and sportsman going to do then?


I also read an article recently, perhaps from this site, where biologists are trying to get lead bullets banned in grizzley conutry as well. Heaven forbid a grizz eat a contaminated gut pile and get lead poisoning and die!


The shaft is comming folks!!!!

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Don't forget to add the donated game burger in Minnesota that x-rays showed to be contaminated with lead. Another stepping stone for the path to ban lead bullets.


I wonder how we are surviving after having eaten food from aluminum pots and pan- bare or teflon coated? Hope the coating inside the soda cans is not cracked. I even grew up riding my bike without a helmet and played with the quicksilver from broken thermometers. Now you break a thermometer, they have to evacuate the school it seems. :blink:

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I'm Sure BO will step in and stand up for the hunters rights once he is in office. With Janet Napoloreno at his side.

BO - I just thought about this and BO not only stands for BarackObama, but also BendOver. As Tam said, the shaft is coming...

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