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2008 34A coues

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I just got back from my 34a hunt.....had the special opportunity to spend it with my dad and my friend and his son. I was so thankful to have my dad along! I love to hunt with him. He's one of the best glassers I know. The hunt started Friday morning at 330AM. We headed from Marana to our spot in 34a and started working our way to our glassing spot. I had found 2 bucks pre-season, one of which was 95-100" buck and another really nice 3x3. So as soon as we got over the ridge we started glassing where I had seen them previously....nos sign of the bucks. So I look up the ridge and both of them are standing broadside to us. By the time we took our packs off they were headed over the rigde....why didn't we look up the hill first?!? Dangit! So we hot foot it up to the top of the ridge and into a little draw between the two canyons. We start glassing and no bucks. So we headed up to the top of the next ridge and start glassing. My dad was a little behind us to he glassed the next canyon, he radios and says he's got the two bucks and they are slowing moving across the canyon towards some cows. So we gather our gear and get ready to go back and he said they just topped out and are now out of site. We stay put and decide to go another ridge over to glass. As many of you know on Friday the weather couldn't have been any better....Brisk and cold with lots of cloud cover. We sit down and start glassing and my dad gets up to us. A few minutes before he gets to us I picked up a couple of head of deer and get the spotter on them. Between trying to describe to my friend and putting the spotter on the tripod I loose them. So we decide to head up to a better glassing spot and we hadn't been there for 10 minutes when we picked up 4 bucks. 3 of them were decent 3x3's and the other was a 2 point. We sat and watched them for about 2 hours and picked up about 15 does and 2 hunters. The buck would feed down in to the drainages, then head buck up the hill, back to the drainage and then back to the top. After a few cycle so this the hunter had moved off the opposite ridge and spooked the bucks.....we'd seen enough we were going after these bucks. 1 hour later we got to the bottom of canyon while my dad stayed up top to spot. When we got to the bottom of the canyon, my dad radios us and says that the hunter had pushed again and the does were headed our way. So we sat down so that we could see the bald slopes we were going to go up to close the distance on the bucks. This is where God intervenes.....less than 35 seconds after my dad radios here comes 3 bucks single file off the bald face. I should add we literally had a 5 foot shooting window....my friend shoots at the first buck and misses. The second buck comes through and he shoots again....another miss. The buck turned back and started to go up the rigde and came back. As soon as he stepped into the shooting alley I fired and he was down. The last portion of the hunt my dad didn't actually see buck heard the shots. We radioed back and let him know we had a downed buck. The only thing I felt bad about was my friends son kept saying "Dad, how could you have missed.....what happened. Dad, you were supposed to get that buck!".....Boy did I feel bad. I felt back for my friend......this is all coming from a 9 year old. Ouch! We walked 7 total miles that day. We got the buck down at 1100AM and didn't get back to the truck until 800PM....LONG DAY! No pain no gain! I couldn't be happier with this buck. I haven't put a tape on him yet buck I think he'll score 90-92". I want to thank my Dad, Mutt and Draycen for a great time!


The only thing I regret was I didn't take more pics and when I took the pics of my buck my camera was on the smallest setting.....shaking my head, I'm an idiot!






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Congrats! That's a real nice coues deer for sure! Glad you got to spend some time in the hills with your dad and the scouting paid off!




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That is a really nice one Scott. When your living right, good things happen. You deserve it!!

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Congratulations for sure on that buck and story. He looks quite healthy and seems to have a decent sized body too.

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Dont feel bad for missing man! Casey misses avery day! :D What more can you ask? you had and excited and succesfull hunt! God bless you more.


Ernesto C

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Great looking buck, and a great story to go with it! Good job.


So, did your dad's buddy get another chance for his deer?



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We saw a total of 4 other hunters.....an all of them seemed to be just out bustin' brush hoping to see something jump up. We saw a total of 13 bucks in 2 days and most of them were 3x3's. They should be bigger next year :) Hopefully maybe come late December I can make a run in there during the rut to see what we see.



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Dang, Scott thats a big buck...Congrats ;) Ya guuna mount this one right. Terry

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