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I am Thankful for.....

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Today i am thankful for friends, family, freedom and a much awaited for 21 Bull tag. I am Thankful to have a bear tag in my pocket at the same time and a week off of work to run around the mountains in search of a big bull and maybe run into a bear, but most of all the take in the beauty and reality of solitude in Arizonas vast canyon country. I hope i am thankful for the giant bull i have an opportunity to harvest, but am simply thankful that i and we can all practice what we love, whether its chasing coues, or bugling bulls, or late season bulls holed up in the nasty steep stuff, chasing birds behind a beloved dog, shooting clays with friends, listing to the trickle of at stream as a big brown rises to the fly, Glassing endless sage flats for that one big muley north of the ditch, or teaching others the ways of the wilderness and sharing our love for the wild. Whatever your passion be thankful that we have the freedom to enjoy it and never take it for granted.


HAPPY THANKSGIVIN' YAL! And to those with Coues tags or Late Bull tags or just those getting out and enjoying the wilderness GOOD LUCK and enjoy every second!


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I am most thankful for my family and friends. And I am thankful that archery season is growing near once again. I love this time of year.

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I am thankful for my family and friends. I am also thankful for my new baby girl zoey she has brought so much to our family. I am also thankful for the elk I was able to harvest this year and my deer I was able to harvest this year. I am also thanful for my coueswhitetail.com family, you all are the best friends someone can have. HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL.

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What I am most thankful for is that God sent Jesus to die for all our sins. He is always there for us and we aren't always there for him but he stays true. second I'm thankful for the opportunity i have to punch cows in Young. i get to be in the woods everyday, doing what i love and seeing Gods beautiful creation. I am also thankful for the 22 north bull tag i got and being able to hunt with friends and family. im just thankful for anything and everything i have.

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I am thankful for all things good. Family, friends and last but not least, God and all his beautiful creations in which we get to roam in during our hunts. A special thanks to all the great people I have met at CWT.com. Keep the faith brothers and sisters :)

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I am thankful for all things good. Family, friends and last but not least, God and all his beautiful creations in which we get to roam in during our hunts. A special thanks to all the great people I have met at CWT.com. Keep the faith brothers and sisters :)


Snapshot, that's exactly how I feel as well. I have been blessed with great hunts this year and thanked God each and everyday I walked the woods or desert. I want to say Happy Thanksgiving to each of the coueswhitetail members and their families and may God bless each and everyone of you.


Happy Thanksgiving! :D



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i am thankfull for the life i have to live and the chance to go shoot birds early in the morning with friends. i am thankfull for the home i live in and the strong mother i have, the family i have of friends and blood, i am very thankfull for my hevenly father who sent his son to make a way so i can live with him one day, i am thankfull for turkey, deer, elk, chicken, dove, and quail. also the truck i have to get out there and chase after alll of the beautyfull things we have in our state and for the many small things that make life a whole lot easyer like indoor pluming and hot water! i am very thankfull for the men and women who have fought and died for me to be able to live how i live and to be who i am. and for the great country we have. i am also thankfull for misstakes no matter what kind because even if some one tells you that it wont work you have to find out for your self in order for it to affect you the most.



and thanks amanda for the great site to post great things like this


coueschaser3 great topic thank to you to








"What if...? God couldn't take the time to Bless us today because we could not take the time to thank Him yesterday"


even if you don't belive in the creator or a god this is a great quoet because there are always blessings in our life we just srrm to notice the bigger ones more offten then the little ones!

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Our great nation being watched over by the Good Lord. I'm thankful to all of those troops past, present and future that have sacrificed so much so we can live in the land of the free. I am thanful for having wonderful family and friends that I love. And thanks to all of you just for being there.

Dennis Chamberlain

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AMEN to all what has being said! We thank you Lord for your love to us! Becuase you LOVED US first before we loved you! We thank you Lord for all the blessings you give us in the spiritual and physical aspects; becuase you save us and makes free of illnesses and accidents that we did not even see them coming! We thank you Lord becuase you send your angels to protect us!

We thank you Lord for our wives,our kids, we thank you Lord becuase You give us and them health

We thank you Lord for the house you have give us, we thank you Lord for our jobs. We thank you Lord because all this year you have put food on our table and we also thank you Lord because you bless our legs and body to be enjoying the outdoors, hiking mountains and admiring the beauty of the wildlife .............all creation of You.

We thank you Lord for this country, we thank you Lord the soldiers of this country, we thank you Lord for the freedom..........................so many things to be thank full to you our Lord that even our weak mind does not remember all of them....but for every time you let us breath....THANK YOU LORD.

Thank you, thank you..............small word our Lord but we give it to you full and with the bigest appreciation for your countless blessings, and we thank you and declare that you are our Father, and we thank You and declare that You have the control, power and all the glory, and we thank you Lord for your powerfull NAME.

Thank you for all and thank you for COUES WHITE TAIL. COM because here, we have the freedom to talk about you our Lord......................thank you in the Name of your son Jesus....AMEN



Ernesto C




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