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Unit 29 Dec. hunt

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I can't wait to go on this hunt. Has anyone been to unit 29 during the December hunt?...Dec. 14-31 any information would be appreciated.


Thank you,



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I found this shed and the buck that dropped it a couple of years ago in 29 .


Unfortunately , I missed an easy , standing , broadside shot , I overestimated the range and shot right over him . Yeah , yeah , I knew better than to hold over his back but a combination of things caused me me to err in judgement . Legend has it that there is a "Booner" of a buck in 29 with a magic force field around him that protects him from bullets . This buck wasnt legendary big and my bullet went right where I aimed it , therefore I dont think this buck had the force ,he just got lucky .


29 is a big tough unit , but there are some nice deer in there and the success rate isnt too bad . You can find deer in 29 in just about any kind of country you like to hunt , from forest to more open spaces . Access can be tricky in some places but it can be had , get a good map and you will find a way in . I'm sure others know much more than I about 29 . Good Luck , have a good time , and watch out for "El Tigre".

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It's been a long time for me, but I have a friend that killed some nice deer during the late 90's in there. I know private land access is an issue in some of the unit.

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I shot the 3x in my avatar pic last year in 29. We go in thru Portal, the mountain road that goes from Portal to the top has alot nice camp spots and the deer are throughout. Ran into alot of IA dump sites and I was told by a friend of mine that is a minuteman that it is even worse this year because the pressure has been heavy in other areas, sad because I think this is the most beautiful mountain range in AZ. That drive thru Cave Creek in the fall is amazing except for the Warning sign of IA activity :angry:

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29 is a fun unit. Really beautiful country. Like the others have said access can be tricky and deer can be found all over the unit. Don't neglect the lower country. They really seem to like to hide out there in that unit. I cant over emphasize make sure you are on public land, private is all over the unit. Most of the land owners will grant you access through private to public if you ask. The 3x3 in my avatar and on my profile is from that unit. Not a huge deer but nice. Have fun and good luck.


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I see where access through the Oak Ranch has been locked off after all these years. Wonder what happened?? Oh well. There's still lots of other great places to hunt in 29.


Ya those guys from Oak Ranch are jerks, especially the grandson. Wow is a hard headed one. :lol:


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I see where access through the Oak Ranch has been locked off after all these years. Wonder what happened?? Oh well. There's still lots of other great places to hunt in 29.


Ya those guys from Oak Ranch are jerks, especially the grandson. Wow is a hard headed one. :lol:



Kinda Klumpish :lol:

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I see where access through the Oak Ranch has been locked off after all these years. Wonder what happened?? Oh well. There's still lots of other great places to hunt in 29.


Ya those guys from Oak Ranch are jerks, especially the grandson. Wow is a hard headed one. :lol:



Kinda Klumpish :lol:


Thats funny, Ya somthin like that. :D


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