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11-11 was when my 2008 coues hunt ended . It had began on the seventh , in the am. I hiked to a saddle with a nice view and passed on a thin 3x3 . Afternoon rolled around and found me restless so I took to the top of the hills and spotted several groups of does and fawns as I worked my way higher and higher .post-704-1227023702_thumb.jpg

I could see my truck in the distance and I studied the terrain to determine the best route down and back to it .I got down before dark but just barely , while walking on the flats, I heard mule deer I couldnt see bouncing away .


Day two and three I spent hunting in an area of the unit I hadnt been to before .post-704-1227062075_thumb.jpg

It was incredible looking country but I saw only a few does and fawns . Walking back on Sunday night I was pelted with small hail but at least I didnt get too wet. The lightning was surreal .post-704-1226997114_thumb.jpg


Monday morning found me back in my usual area . I watched a spike eating leaves off a tree do the ghost thing and dissappear before my eyes . Does and yearlings filled the day till afternoon . Miles from my truck and getting late in the day , I was moving too fast along the ridge top when in front of me a doe blows and a buck is up and running . This buck is the first Coues buck that I've seen that made me say "Holy Cow , look at that big buck " and I tried to sit and get on my bipod but he isnt slowing down and , too late , I fired as he went over the ridge . My new rifles first shot at a coues buck was a clean miss . The dissapointment didnt make my long walk any shorter . I took to long to set up and I knew I should have just stood like a man and made the shot .


The last four days had been pretty rough , miles and miles had taken thier toll and I was feeling beat up but after seeing that buck I wasnt ready to give up . So , Tuesday I came with help , I brought along my wife and a couple of our horses . We saddled up and rode to the end of a trail which was near where I had seen the buck the day before. I climbed a hill to have a look around . I scanned the peak the deer had been on the day before and there near the top something caught my eye . It was Mickey Mouse , I stared thinking it would probaly turn out to be cactus pads but no it wasnt a cactus and it wasnt Mickey either , it was a deer . I could only see one deer and it didnt have horns , but the buck the day before had been with a doe . I got on the radio and told my wife what was going on and that I was going to circle the hill I was on to try and get a better look up there . I moved to a vantge point and quickly located minnie mouse doe again , I still couldnt see any more deer up there but I was 800+ yards away . I moved back down and started around to get closer . I hadnt gotten far when a deer burst out from under some bushes in front of me . I ran to the side of the bushes to see a buck making his getaway . The range wasnt far and I tracked him with my scope , when he came out from behind an ocotillo , I took my shot and fired . He was going down hill and quartering away , the bullet from my seven mag caught him behind the ribs and went right into the boiler room . He went down right there . I made my way to him and found I had just taken a very cool buck .post-704-1226997799_thumb.jpgpost-704-1227142634_thumb.jpg

No , he wasnt as big as the one that got away and I didnt get to find out if the other buck was up there with minnie mouse doe , but I had taken a nice buck and I had taken him on the run and I got him by standing and shooting like a man . I felt redeemed . I hadnt gone very far from where I left the horses so my wife came up and took some pictures .post-704-1227144688_thumb.jpg

I field dressed him and carried him down to where the horses were tied .


I threw him across my saddle and strapped him down . It was another long walk out but it didnt seem too bad what with my horse carring my deer and my rifle .


My taxidermist measured this buck at 95 inches even .

Yes, I do know where I want to hunt next year.

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Hahahhahaha :D Congratulations! Small world........I know exactly where you were hunting! There is a 10 pointer in there, no kidding.


Ernesto C

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Nice Buck man!!, Way to stick it out. ;) Love the split eyegaurd, I got one two, they're frigin cool huh!

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Great deer, pictures, and story. Thanks for sharing, I can't hardly wait for next week.



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Great Story and a sweet reward.


That sounds like a very hard hunt and a well earned buck at the end of it all.


Maybe you should have brought the wife and horses on opening day?





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nice buck. hey you did good and redeemed yourself. one more thing. whys the horse go slippers and not irons.

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