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Spring left over tag

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Alright from other discussions on here I gather that it is not illegal to have two tags for the same species. I did not get drawn for my first or second choice for javelina, I drew my third, a rifle tag. I figured I could use my .357 since they dont offer a HAM hunt in that unit. Well then I got to lookin at left over tags and there are still left over tags for my first choice archery hunt. I figure I could put in for that tag as a left over. If I draw it (not sure if i can apply for a left over if i drew one in the regular draw) I would probably give the rifle tag to my dad so I wouldnt waste it as he didn't draw a javelina tag. Is this allowed?

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You will not be able to transfer the tag to your dad. Perhaps your dad could apply for a leftover permit, maybe for the same hunt you have if available.

Also, previously someone stated they applied for a leftover permit (they also drew in the original drawing), and G&F would not issue the leftover permit.

You can still use your bow on the rifle hunt.

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Well I called the draw department and got things sorted out. It seems the hunt I drew was my second choice not third, and i understand how that happens. There are over 400 tags left for my first choice. It seems to me they should look at peoples' first and second choices as just that, second AFTER first. The applicant would rather draw theit first choice tag over their second. The only reason it even matters is that about 10 of my family and friends drew the hunt I put in for first choice, and I dont have classes then. I am not allowd to draw a left over tag if I am a tag holder. Another thing i learned is that tags are ONLY transferable to minors from their parent or grandparent. I would be allowed to transfer it to my minor child or grand child (I have neither), and then apply for the left over tag. Oh well I still get to chase em around. I'll prabably end up using a wheel gun or stick and string.

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I thought that the only way you can draw a 2nd choice over the 1st, is if you are in the max bp pool and draw one of the tags in the 20% 1st pass through? I know this happens with archery javelina nearly every drawing, since it only takes 0 bonus points to be in the max bp pool.


As I understand it, they do look at your first choice over your 2nd choice in the 80% 2nd pass?


If this is wrong, someone who knows please correct me.

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WOW, they have the draw process way too complicated now. Ya have to hire a New York lawyer to figure out the sequence.

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What kills me is this:


Say you do not tag out on the first hunt, and there are leftover tags for a second or third hunt, you still cannot get a left over tag.


This year I drew an archery deer tag and did not tag out......I am still watching the leftover rifle tags with envy and would love to pick one up, but cannot since I already obtained a tag through the draw.....one tag is issued per draw.. I have heard a lot of people claim the Game and Fish only cares about money, but they are letting money expire on their shelves.



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Somebody correct me if I'm wrong. Back in the old days. 1980's? You could get a second tag if they had gone through the 2nd draw and first come first serve process. Anything left after that you could get another tag even if you had drawn one. I hunted 34A one year with 2 tags. But that was before 60 million people moved to AZ. :angry: :o :blink:

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I could be wrong but I thought that the second tag way back when (after the second draw) had to be a left over whitetail tag. Not that this was a problem. I'd love to have a muley and a whitetail tag in one calander year.


What dosen't make sense is that you can hold an archery tag and a rifle tag for deer but not two rifle tags. You still can only shoot one deer per calender year so why not. Like said earlier, the tags are just rotting on the shelve so to speak.


G & F...dole out these tags!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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