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I'm very grateful for this man just when you thought there wasn't honest people in the world. He comes riding in on the horse and saves the day for me. I'm very appreciative of you bro and oh you big time. Sunday morning God will bless your father with a big buck. You saved my life with my wife 😆 🤣! I left my tags in the front pouch

Thanks again Norcy

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We need to hear the story on how it was lost and how it was found it will be a Couesmark  Christmas story with a wonderful ending. Ok corny but would be a interesting story. 

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If I had lost my ELs, I’d be physically sick.  Way too many people in the world would have kept them and considered the old “finders keepers” adage fitting. Very standup of the OP , shows some true integrity and character. Glad there’s still folk like him in the world.

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I will tell my side although it’s not a very gripping story. My 81 yr old father and I drove into a new spot hoping to find him a decent buck close to a road as he can’t hike very well anymore. We drove in saw a few doe, and on the way out passed 4 people and on the last stretch of the road I looked to my left and found them next to a small bush. They had been there for 24 hrs, that’s the story. My dad and I have been hunting coues together for the last 38 yrs, we have seen some cool things harvested many deer together. We have found knives, some ruins not many people know about but this was the first time we found another persons hunting gear. Needless to say he was the man that instilled the drive for me to do what’s right, so he is the really “hero” here. Just wished we could have gotten him a nice buck but the weather rolled in today and he wasn’t feeling it. But he did pass on 15 smaller bucks on the hunt, the memories are more important and this story will be shared for years to come.

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