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Supreme Court

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You guys are hilarious!!!! :lol: :lol: Wasn't he borne in Hawaii?? ;







Is that the 56th or 57th state?



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Pretty interesting little debate going on. On the one hand people are saying his Hawaii certificate of live birth is legit and that the law suits are a phony plan to give him the boot. On the other hand the Supreme Court is saying give us a real birth certificate by December 1st.


If BO had a "real" birth cirtificate don't you think they would have given it to the Supreme court by now?


Isn't this kinda like buying the cart before the horse? Why couldn't someone have asked to see his birth certificate before he got his name on the ballot?


I highly doubt that anything will come of this situation. But on the other hand could we even imagine the consequences and knee jerk reaction this country would see if BO was given the boot? I think cities like Chicago, Detroit, LA, and NY would turn themselves upside down and make the Rodney King riots seem like a picnic!!!

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it's kinda funny to that mcain wasn't born in the U.S. but he was born to American parents in panama, while his dad was stationed there. obama has been skirting around this deal for awhile. be real interesting to see how it plays out. Lark.

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I just googled this and read lot's of news reports about this. There is nothing to this. The guy that brought the suit is a nut job "swift boat" type dude.

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tomcat, that's exactly what makes this so puzzling. If there is no merit to this then why did the Supreme Court ask for a birth certificit by December 1st?


If the Supreme Court is really asking then it seems to me there must be some merit to the allegations?

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