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I see that Sarah Palin got smoked in Alaska CD vote.  Time to move to ID, SD, MT, WY, FL and be free again. 

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13 minutes ago, idgaf said:

65000 californians a year move here.  BUILD A WALL!

I’ve had a dozen or more customers in the last couple years fresh from California and I don’t think any of them are libtards. Seems the politics are running a lot of them out! I’m sure that’s not the norm but just my dealings with some of the californians. 

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I go back to So Cal frequently, still have family there.  The ridiculousness of everything there is to the nth degree of stupid. There are  good pockets of Republicans/Conservatives, but for for sure not the majority.  


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14 minutes ago, Sky Island junkie said:

I’ve had a dozen or more customers in the last couple years fresh from California and I don’t think any of them are libtards. Seems the politics are running a lot of them out! I’m sure that’s not the norm but just my dealings with some of the californians. 

They don't have to be a 'libtard' just a left leaning moderate.  

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26 minutes ago, 5guyshunting said:

Lake is closing the distance, only about 3900 votes behind. She was 30,000 behind this morning.

she was 260,000 behind last night, I think she might catch up

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4 minutes ago, CouesFanatic said:

she was 260,000 behind last night, I think she might catch up

Gotta have hope. Hobbs will turn us into Cali!

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4 hours ago, JSR said:

They say they won't be updating the count until after 8:00 pm tonight.



Been moved to 6p.

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Lake was a dem then switched. Repub's are outta touch almost as far as the Dims want to make everything free. The SC really effed up on R vs W. Govenors should never have the power to decide that law on a State Level or be able to have Carte Blanche to pass any law. Sign off on a law voted in by the citizens yes. 

Lake doesn't care one iota about anything other than being in the spotlight. I wish she wasn't so flighty and had half the brains of Sinema. Kelly is smart and has his chit together, he's just on the wrong side and Masters doesn't know which way is up. Look for DeSantis for POTUS. The Donald had his shot and effed anyone over who was close to him. He would never go for it but could be useful in DeSantis's Cabinet. Which is about as close as he is going to get to a spot on the HIll.

I'm all for social programs. College Loan Forgiveness has some Merit but the whole cost is astronomical  as is the cost of Medicare and Health Insurance in general. God forbid you have diabetes. Good Luck with  covering the costs if you are struggling to get by or a young family and you have a child that get's it at 3yo.

Four years of college and medical should be free.18 months of mandatory Military Service should be upon graduating HS. I've been voteing since 1970 and have seen a lot of water under the bridge. Unfortunately there are too many elected officials who want to tear down what this country stands for. It seems like a broken record with no hope in sight for the everyday citizen that doesn't have a family income of $150K or more.


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Reagan and Trump were Democrats too before finding redemption. 

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I hope DT doesnt run again.  We need a solid 2 term out of next POTUS (be it DeSantis) or someone else.  But need to retake WH for 8 years. DT can only do 4 years and I feel most would vote for the Dem side if he runs.

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7 hours ago, HuntHarder said:

Expand on this

Liberals want your guns, and wolves to eat all your game animals so you have nothing to hunt. If you're voting for a liberal, then you're voting for someone that wouldn't blink to take the gun that you use for hunting. Also most liberals want to get rid of hunting.

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