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Coues 'n' Sheep

Last Day Buck

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Well... earlier this week my Bro-in-Law, Larry, took his hunting buddy out to a "honey hole" and a Dandy Carp deer hit the dirt! The largest buck his buddy had ever killed! As you all know, the further into a hunt you go, the less number of "honey holes" there are left for you to hunt.... With conflicting work schedules and other obligations, Larry knew that the only other day he would have to hunt was the last day (today).... no preasure. :rolleyes: I had told Larry earlier in the week that I would go on last day and he accepted the help, he also called his Bro (Dallas) in Phoenix.... and of course he was in, too!


As 4:45 am this morning roled around all our trucks parked together on the side of the highway at our usual meeting point. As I loaded my gear in Larry's truck I asked, " You want me to throw in 'The Tradition' for today, just incase?" "You bet!" was his response, and it was on!! We had no real game plan on where to hunt, but we headed out down the highway... We needed a for-sure spot. Today was meat day and Larry was willing to settle for a 3x or better buck. Our Goal: "Lets get Bloody!" :lol: Larry said, "Lets go to point "A" and start there..." I said, "Heck yeah! There is always deer in there!"


At grey light we were pirched on a ridge looking for deer. Larry finished his sweep of the near ridge first and then began looking at the further ridges behind us. Just minutes later he says, " I gotta deer." It was a skin head.... but now we were all lookin at the far ridge and in a matter of minutes I spotted a buck feeding up a cut going away from us. "He's atleast a 3x4, Larry," I say.... and we were off to the races! The buck was far enough away that we went for the truck and drove closer and to a better stalking location. As we jumped out of the truck I asked Larry if he was gunna pack his rifle or 'The Tradition'... I twisted his arm and as we headed over the hill he was packin' my 300 wby. ;) When we found our buck again he had turned into two bucks... choices! :P They were at 400 yds and we were as close as cover would really let us go over the ridge. Moments later Larry is standing behind the double tri-pods with the scope set @ 400, asking, "Which one?" I respond "Take the darker one on the right." BOOM! " You got him! Get him again," I say. And Dallas says, " God! Look at all the blood! He's going Down!" One shot- one kill! Larry got it done on the last morning! His buck is a 4x4, but also has a double eye guard that splits on his right side.... Bonus! Another Great family outing for us Brothers! Then it was Biscuits & Gravy and Bloody Mary's by 10:30! What a morning, first or last day!!! Congrats, Larry... you da man!! As always.... A pleasure to be huntin' with you and Dallas!!



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Way to get-r done Gino!

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Nice Mulie guys! Way to stick it out and hunt umm hard.Big congrats. ;)

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