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Coues Quest 2008 - October Hunt

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As many of you have read the October hunt was HOT. But for me I relished the idea of getting up early and enjoying that magical time without freezing. Because there was no moon on the October hunt it was a star gazers paradise... Lots of positive energy flowing on this hunt!

After the weekend passed most of the traffic of road warriors moved out as well. We we seeing MANY does with twin fawns! A great sign regardless if the big bucks were laying low.

On the final day of the hunt I realized my opportunities were limited. I glassed up this buck on the final day and dropped him at 244 yards. With a swift crossing of the canyon as he lay kicking a bit- finished him off and quickly field dressed him as the sun started to penetrate the ravine.

A culmination of Duwane Adams glassing lessons a couple of years ago, ballistic advice from Red Rabbit and some other folks that have offered solid strategies and practical advice were all running through my mind after this hunt! I was feeling the CWT vibe!


Not the biggest buck in the hills - in fact I think I have a beat on the smallest buck in the contest- but as always - Memories of a Lifetime!








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Very nicely done, Doug.


What you have there, is some of the finest meat there is to dine on! Believe me, I have been there before ;)

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Congrats! That is one more buck than I saw all of last year during the jr. Rifle hunt.


Enjoy the fine dining and the memories from the field.



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Way to go!!! Glad you got a nice buck and enjoyed your time out there despite the heat. Nice horned lizard pic! Don't think I have ever seen one that color before.




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Deer down, meat in the freezer, memories made.....does it get any better? Sometimes its not about the inches but about the hunt itself. Congrats to you on your success.



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Congrats Doug.......we often get wrapped up in how big the buck is instead of the just enjoying the outdoors and the "spirit of the hunt"



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