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Tractor Implements

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I have some old tractor implements for sale. I am not that educated in these so my descriptions may be off so please use pictures for description/condition. There are also a few implements that are not listed because I don’t know what they are. Please Pm me if your interested in any of these or have questions. Thanks

Woods Cadet 72” Rotary cutter- 850.00
Disc Harrow 60”-500.00
Drag Harrow field rake 66”-500.00
4 22” Disc Bedder-350.00
3 point tractor blade-350.00
3 point 2 row lister plow-350.00
Stand-alone 72” plow blade-200.00















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I believe 8th pic is also known as a border disc or berm builder ( you called a disc bedder) and the last is also known as a rotating single bottom plow that can rotate for left or right throw. You identified them and people use different names like scraper blade ( 3point tractor blade), brush hog or mower deck( Woods Cadet rotary mower), etc.

One question is, What category tractor are they for?  Cat1? Cat 2? Way too small for cat 3.

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Everything sold except 72" Brush hog. Its it good working order. I just used it to cut down 4ft weeds on an acre no problem  priced reduced to 650.00

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I once ordered a used attachment for my tractor, and 2 weeks later, I had to buy a new Disk Harrow. I wanted to save money, but I screwed up. Since then, I have decided that I will only buy new equipment. I found out from a farmer the contacts of a company that sells tractor attachments: https://www.machinerydealer.co.uk . Now I  order all details that I need only in this store. I'm not discouraging you from buying used attachments, but you shouldn’t forget that unpleasant situations can happen if you’ll buy them.

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4 hours ago, westbrookebutt said:

I once ordered a used attachment for my tractor, and 2 weeks later, I had to buy a new Disk Harrow. I wanted to save money, but I screwed up.

Good used equipment works great if fairly priced. This is a good guy and the equipment should work well if used as intended.

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