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Oh there's probably something brewing with those nutcases.

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One sentence sais it all: if the forest is transferred to the National Park Service you can kiss hunting in it goodbye!



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Jason- To be sure, the article is bad news and based on pure BS. Josh is being to nice by calling them nutcases. Sounds like another angle at getting the Wildlands Program up and running. Tonto

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Well it's time to show some support for the Forest Service. I don't always agree with FS practices but they are far better at protecting the forest for all to enjoy than these whack jobs!


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These Greenpeace idiots really get me fired up. Trust me folks, these SOB's are not our friends or do they represent what is best for us or the land. They want to take away water rights, some of which are 100 years old that supports our local economies. Grazing, when practiced right can do unimaginable improvements for species diversity, and overall ecosystem health. Yet they call it a "Major Threat". What the heck do they think happens when they stop timber harvesting? Rodeo-Chediski should be encouraging them to support logging, it is not a "short term resource", it is a renewable natural resource as is grass and browse.

OK, I've said my part, by the way it snowing like crazy here. Tonto

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Heck, Jason, maybe go postal on the Center for Biological Diversity and the Sierra Club for starters. Nah, just kidding, I can't recommend that, but it might wake some of them asinine fellers up! I know I don't do enough, but I try to write my State Politicians as often as I can, and I always try to tell people what I think based on scientific fact, not myth or emotions. Knowing the issues is good, and provides for productive arguements. One of the most important things I think anyone can do is vote. Tonto

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I am not a fan of granollas at all- like it or not we are residents here (earth) as with any home you must manage it (clean and organize in youre personal house) we need to clean up underbrush, we need logging, we need cattle- I personaly am true to my own convictions.if I disagree with something I dont do it- I dont complain about losing industrial manufactured goods to forieghn countries and then buy those items from them- if they feel that humans are so bad for the earth let them lead the way and leave. now that I would respect.

if major corperations or companies operate w/ the knowledge that we are guests on earth -or treat the planet truely as home instead of governing buisness by the $$$ things will work out all right- my $0.02

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