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coues for brothers

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me and my brother had a really good hunt this weekend down by wilcox/benson hunting with coues84 (shane) Thanks again my friend!!!




anyway i glassed up a nice little buck about 800 yards up the mountain and asked my brother if he wanted to go get him and he siad yes, so gave him some directions and sent him on his way, he got up there and NO shot came, i kept wondering what the heck, so i went up there and found him and there was no buck.... so we did some searching and out from under a small little tree on a bare grass hill side across the draw from us we finally got him to get unerved with us being there and he bolted up and across the hill side, at about 300 yards my brother but the hammer down and down he went. nice 3x3, his biggest to date around 65 inches or so, he was happy. so thanks to shane coming up to us after we got him down and helping to quarter and pack him out we got him back to the truck a little while latter.


Day 2 found lots of glassing and does but no bucks.


day three found shane and i glassing a really big mountain range, and about 45 minutes into glassing shane glasses up a doe and a fawn, and about 5 minutes latter i glass up another doe and a faw about 400 yards further around the hill side then the first 2, these deer were around 1200 yards away striaght up the mountian. well i look back a few minutes latter at the first doe and fawn and there are 3 deer instead of the two, and he looks bigger, but was so far away i couldnt tell if he was a buck or not, so shane looks them over with his 20x's and yes not a bad 3 point, so we make a game plan for me to go up the mountain for them, and get to these rocks, and then i should be with in shooting range of them, so i head up the mountain, what seemed like forever but about 35-45 minutes latter i was at "my rocks" and i could not find the buck, i found the 2 sets of does and fawns but no buck, so i radio back down to shane and he tells me the buck tucked up under a little tree and hasnt come out yet. well the does and fawn get nervous and they head for safer places. Still no buck sighting, i glass and glass the little tree and still no deer, well i'm not much for waiting so after about 30 more minutes i said forget this, it could be hours before he stand up on his own. SO i decide to put a shell into the tree trunk, i figured i would have several hundred yards 360 degree of that tree to get a shot at the buck before he got out of sight, so i put one into the trunk at 225 yards and out he came like his tail was afire, he went another 75 yards or so, so now about 300 and he stopped and i tucked a 270wsm right behind his shoulder, shane said he saw him hump up, but with my recoil i didnt see that, and thought i missed, he took off again and stopped about 400 and i put another one in him and planted him there. thinking that was my only hit, but when i got up to him there was 2 nice holes right were they should be. Now one heck of a i hike back with the buck, thanks to my brother and shane for giving me a hand in getting him back..... my biggest coues to date, bot huge, but a nice buck. My "in the filed pictures" are at walmart, will post them latter, these are after i got home, my brothers skinned out and mine just getting ready to get skinned out.





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Was definately a good hunt. Tough coues country, and the older class bucks were no where to be found but BOth tags were willed with "largest to date" bucks. Both made excellent shots after lots of practice at ranges consistant with coues hunting. And it paid off. The one part of the story that Tommy did not include was I talked them out of these 2 bucks opening morning at first shooting light. In hopes of finding their older relatives. LOL 3 days of looking over lots and lots of country, and seeing lots and lots of does. Both bucks were hard earned.

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Great bucks guys. :)



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Congrats to the brother combo....it was fun bumping in to you guys out there on the super highway, nice job on the hunt......don't forget to holler at me when it is coyote huntin time and you don't have anybody to watch your backside :P I'll be in the middle of wrestling season but I am sure I can find time for a yote...

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