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Unit 22 Sweet Success!!!

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Opening morning found my brother, brother in law and I on a ridge overlooking the area we had scouted 3 bigger bucks and several smaller bucks in the weeks before the hunt. We were there at first light and started glassing. A lot of cattle had moved into the area and we weren't seeing any deer where we had been seeing them previously. I began to glass a ridge a little further away. Within a few minutes I had spotted 2 bucks, 1 was a bigger buck. 6:50 am.

We packed up and started running up and down the 3 ridges in between us and the bucks. We got to the spot we wanted to be and began glassing but we couldn't find the deer anywhere. 7:20 am

We moved up to a better vantage point and set up for the long haul...we were gonna find these bucks. After a little while I found them, they were at the top of a long, tall ridge. We got my bro-in law spotting, my brother ranged them- 447 yds. We dialed up our scopes to 500 yds and got down prone for the shots. My brother asked if he could shoot the bigger buck of the two. We didn't have time to really look at them as they were headed into some thick brush. My brother has been hunting a few years longer than me and hadn't yet taken a decent coues. (I have two nice deer that score in the 90's) I told him to get on the bigger buck. His buck turned broadside, BOOM...WHOP! one buck down. My buck turned to see what was going on...BOOM...WHOP! Two bucks down!! They died 30 yds apart.




My brothers buck was a pleasent suprise when we got to him. He has a ton of mass that carries all the way out, he has 2 double brow tines and grosses 107''. It was great to share that moment with him.




My buck scores 83'' and is my 3rd biggest. I was thrilled it was a great hunt!

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Congratulations!! Awesome hunt, awesome deer! I bet it was great hunting with your brother!

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Dane, thats a nice buck!!! Both of them!!! Good Job

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Really nice bucks.


That's cool you let your brother take the bigger one.


Couple of good shots at 500 yards.




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Dang!!! I don't know much about coues deer, but I know that both of those bucks look dang nice, your bro's is a toad!!! I love that mass. Awesome, thanks for sharing...

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