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Great opening weekend

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Well opening weekend went well for my family. My dad, father-n-law and a good buddy of mine had tags down south. I have a early Nov. hunt so I was just down there for the good times and of course an extra pair of eyes. Friday morning produced one buck down as my dad shot this lil 3x2. My buddy and father-n-law had their chances as well but things didn'twork out.post-2386-1225077163_thumb.jpg



Saturday morning found us walking up a familar hill as we still had 2 tags left to fill and we did just that. I found this guy around 8:00am and after a great stalk, my father-n-law had him down at 9:15. This was his first trip hunting with us and is also his first deer. He had a great time and killed an great first buck.




Another pic. My buddy, father-n-law, and my dad



My buddy and I parted ways with my dad and father-n-law as they took his deer back to camp. An hour later and 1 big ridge over my buddy killed his 4th deer in 4 years. We had to jump him out of his bed as it was pretty warm outside, but with his deer down their 2008 deer hunt was over.




Now I have 2 weeks to regroup and i'm off to get one of my own. I can only hope it goes as well as this hunt did



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Some good looking bucks you guys got there! Good luck on your upcoming hunt.



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Good Job Cuz, beautiful buck for the inlaw. After my dads hunt last weekend, I am confident we'll get you your big buck ;) .

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