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Hunting accident, need prayer

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I just got this e-mail from a good friend of mine...




Please pray for my adult son, Chris (age 44).


My God will supply all my needs.


We were hunting in SE AZ this weekend. Saturday night, we were hiking out in the dark in an area we have not hiked before--where cell phones and walkie talkies don't work. Suddenly, I heard the kind of sound one doesn't want to hear. I called to Chris but no answer. When I got to where he had been, I discovered that he had taken a step off a 30-ft cliff. Finally, my light found him laying motionless down there. In a panic, I asked God to show me a way to get to him crying out to at least let me be with him. God showed me a way.


When I got to him, he was "sprawled" and totally unconscious just making a few "gurgling" sounds. He had a serious head injury that was bleeding profusely. I freaked out, as I didn't know what to do. I called upon the name of the LORD to Please show me what to do. Somehow, The Holy Spirit guided me to do some medical things that I had no knowledge of/experience with. He was unconscious for nearly 10 minutes but did come back a little. He had no idea of anything.


I didn't want to leave him but knew that his only chance for life was to get him out of there and to a medical facility. I issued a panic prayer to God to keep him alive, show me how to get out of there and find help, show me how to find my way back. I left him at 7:30. Hiking cross country in an area I was not familiar with with no GPS or compass, fighting heavy brush, God's Grace brought me to an occupied cabin at 9:00.


The closest Rescue Team was the Portal Fire Department. All volunteers who would come from 16 miles away. They were the first to respond. I confidently told their commander, Walter, that I could take them to him. I gave him my assessment. He called in the Cochise County Sheriff's Rescue Team and the Department of Public Safety Rescue Team who could supply a helicopter.


Walter and Jeff with their "portable hospital" (over 50 pounds each--backpacks) followed me back into the darkness. God led me, and we found Chris. I fell on my face and cried out, "Thank You, Jesus! Chris is alive! Thank You, Jesus!"


Out there in the forest, in the middle of the night, Jeff found a place for DPS to land the helicopter less than 200 yards from Chris. At about 1:00 a.m., they flew him to Portal where another helicopter waited which took him to University Medical Center in Tucson. Back, spine, neck OK. He has a skull fracture with possible brain damage. He is coherent and recognizes family.


The Portal Rescue Team (volunteers), Cochise County Sheriffs Resce Team, DPS are all awesome! I have never witnessed anything like this rescue.


I gave you all these details as a testimonty to my God. The Rescue people marvelled at the medical assistance that I had provided and for finding my way in an out (no GPS or Compass) which they showed as just over 1.5 miles each way. They cound not believe that I was not an experienced Search and Rescue EMT. I could not see lights from the cabin I found, but they were partying and making noise, so I had gone toward the sound. Chris had fallen about 30 feet in the dark into jagged rocks, and he lived. That would be like falling straight down from the AC on top of your house.


Like the Rescue personnel, I wouldn't believe it either, except I know it wasn't me. God performed a miracle thru me. All I did was put myself in HIS hands, and let HIM work thru me.


My God is an awesome God!


Please pray for Chris.




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All thoughts and prayers to your friend's son Chris. Divine guidance surely played a major part of that rescue, and it is a miracle that he did not suffer more physical damage falling from that height.

I can personally vouch for the Cochise County rescue team and the excellent job that they do. Two years ago my Dad was hiking out of Redfield Canyon with some friends and suffered a heart attack, unfortuantely, the elderly men he was with were not strong enough or equipped to deal with an emergency situation and it took them to long to get ahold of Cochise County search and rescue, by the time the helicopter got him to Tucson medical center, he had experienced to much heart damage and died a couple hours later. Had I been there I may have been able to save him, but it was nobody's fault.

My dad's freinds had great things to say about the Cochise County rescue team and their expertise in handling those difficult situations.

Your friends courage and quick thinking made a big difference in the outcome, and I am sure that Chris will get better because of it.

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Lord Jesus. I pray for Chris, That your will be done and given the Glory for this testomy of faith, Lord Jesus I ask that you would give a full recovery and protection to Chris and comfort to his family and friends. Amen, thank you Lord!

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Guest 300ultramag.

Truly a blessing from the heavens, i pray he will have a speedy recovery

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I pray the miracles in his behalf will continue.

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Prayers go out to Chris and your whole family, for a speedy and complete recovery.

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