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Its Time To Change the Arizona Bonus Point System

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16 minutes ago, geoffsl said:

Not as funny as your ignorance. . .the best part is; you are making my point. . .thank you.  I wasn't bitching that I have waited forever. . .someone asked how long I put in for and what units. . .so i shared.  But to your point, there are LOTS of people with more points than me. . .and they just like me, they have seen people who haven't been in line as long as them get tags.  That is my point.  I am promoting the notion that FIRST COME FIRST SERVE.  Most every where we go that's how it works.  We get bent out of shape at a restaurant when someone who order after us gets their meal before us, we dont like it when at a grocery store people cut in line.  We don't like to get cut off in traffic.  But, I guess when it comes to hunting. . .we are ok- and shouldn't bitch about people getting tags who haven't waited in line as long as us.  

You’re just feeling a sense of entitlement. There are opportunities to hunt every season every year. You choose to not to capitalize on that by only applying for the most desirable tags. 

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I disagree with newtags. If one has to draw tags to encourage the youth to hunt to love the the out doors the desire to enjoy a cool morning in the outdoors w just family (ouch).   Try varmite calling quail, dove,duck,squirrel. 

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1 minute ago, geoffsl said:

I am sorry you don't

straight from their website "What is a Bonus Point?
An accumulated credit (or point) that authorizes the Department to issue a Big Game Drawing applicant additional computer-generated random numbers during a draw. The bonus point system grants an applicant one random number entry for each bonus point that has been accumulated into the drawing for that species. Each bonus point random number entry is in addition to the application random number entry itself. This system provides applicants with an added chance of receiving a low random number in the draw, hence improving their draw odds, while still providing a chance (no matter how small) for any applicant to get drawn."  


and now re read the last line. . .(no matter how small) and compare it with their own publication. . .about bonus pool draw odds.   the sum total of odds for my to draw that tag (3a/3c archery bull) was less than 1%--that number is from their own website. . .so tell my how I am supposed to get  a tag from that?  it will never be guaranteed.  

eed tag from that?  it will never be guaranteed.  

Now do the bonus pass. 

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Just now, trphyhntr said:

Now I know you’re just trolling 

I wish I were. . .we I drew this year. . .I had tag #1. . .and I thought no shoot. . .who else had six points for turkey?  But my point is it is statistically possible--and I proved it.  just like sandhill crane. . .should be hard to draw but since they don't accumulate points for that everyone has the same chance. . .and with turkey. . .think about, everyone has the perm point for hunter ed, most people have the loyatly point. ..so everyone is in both the bonus pool and the gen pool. . .so if you have a 1000 people put in and only 500 tags half of you aren't hunting that year.  And all you have to do is look at a roulette table and see just because it hit red last time doesn't mean its going to hit black this time. . .trust me, I was fit to be tied not drawing turkey with 5 points.

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3 minutes ago, geoffsl said:

I wish I were. . .we I drew this year. . .I had tag #1. . .and I thought no shoot. . .who else had six points for turkey?  But my point is it is statistically possible--and I proved it.  just like sandhill crane. . .should be hard to draw but since they don't accumulate points for that everyone has the same chance. . .and with turkey. . .think about, everyone has the perm point for hunter ed, most people have the loyatly point. ..so everyone is in both the bonus pool and the gen pool. . .so if you have a 1000 people put in and only 500 tags half of you aren't hunting that year.  And all you have to do is look at a roulette table and see just because it hit red last time doesn't mean its going to hit black this time. . .trust me, I was fit to be tied not drawing turkey with 5 points.

You lost me, you started by saying you were drawn for tag #1 turkey with 6 points. Then finish by saying you weren’t drawn with 5? 
you’re saying when you had 5 you weren’t drawn, then had 6 and were tag 1? Are you sure put in for the same hunts 

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4 minutes ago, bigbuckclub said:

Now do the bonus pass. 

here it is "How do Bonus Points work in the Big Game Drawing?
There are 3 phases to the Big Game Drawing – the Bonus Point Pass, the First-Second Choice Pass, and the Third-Fourth-Fifth Choice Pass. For each phase of the drawing, a random number is generated for each application plus additional random numbers for each group bonus point (which includes the Hunter Education and Loyalty bonus points) credited to the application. The lowest random number generated for an application is used in the drawing process.


again, as they say...yes your points increase your odds. . .with the cavet of (NO MATTER HOW SMALL).  They couldnt be more right.  

Regardless. . .doesn't change the fact that people get tags out of order. 

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3 minutes ago, trphyhntr said:

You lost me, you started by saying you were drawn for tag #1 turkey with 6 points. Then finish by saying you weren’t drawn with 5? 
you’re saying when you had 5 you weren’t drawn, then had 6 and were tag 1? Are you sure put in for the same hunts 

Started drinking early.

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When I first started hunting, I could buy a leftover tag for deer in any of the 36 units every year. The first deer tag I ever got, I bought at the AZGFD office the day before the hunt started in 36a. 

I would put in for bonus points every year. I guess I should say I would put in for Kaibab every year and get a bonus point. Then I would pick up a leftover WT tag every year down south. Now there are so many people hunting them that there are no leftover tags most of the time.

There was even a time you could kill a mule deer up north AND get a WT tag down south. No one hunted them. Not like now anyway. This was way before my time, but I have heard from many people that it was true. 

Times change. Populations increase, land and animals decrease. I pray that my boys will have the opportunity to hunt in the future.  

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2 minutes ago, trphyhntr said:

You lost me, you started by saying you were drawn for tag #1 turkey with 6 points. Then finish by saying you weren’t drawn with 5? 
you’re saying when you had 5 you weren’t drawn, then had 6 and were tag 1? Are you sure put in for the same hunts 

The tag issued was TAG #1.  I don't know if you have every paid attention to that, but they print right on your tag, what number your tag is.  So I got tag #1.  Which again, I thought of course was funny. . .but because I had 6 points to draw it made sense that I got the first tag.  So the year before, I didn't draw turkey with 5 points. . .it was the next year I drew with 6 points.  Which is why I said, I was fit to be tied when I didn't draw with 5--who would have thought 5 wasn't enough to draw turkey.  Yes, I put in for the same spring gobbler every year and will continue to do so. . but now that I dont have the points, I am not sure when I will get drawn again. . .to my point about the system . .I could draw again next and someone who hasn't hunted in a couple years gets skipped again.

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2 minutes ago, geoffsl said:

here it is "How do Bonus Points work in the Big Game Drawing?
There are 3 phases to the Big Game Drawing – the Bonus Point Pass, the First-Second Choice Pass, and the Third-Fourth-Fifth Choice Pass. For each phase of the drawing, a random number is generated for each application plus additional random numbers for each group bonus point (which includes the Hunter Education and Loyalty bonus points) credited to the application. The lowest random number generated for an application is used in the drawing process.


again, as they say...yes your points increase your odds. . .with the cavet of (NO MATTER HOW SMALL).  They couldnt be more right.  

Regardless. . .doesn't change the fact that people get tags out of order. 

Now I know you are trolling. Those are bonus points. I was asking about the bonus pass. I provided the link you need:


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1 minute ago, geoffsl said:

I wish I were. . .we I drew this year. . .I had tag #1. . .and I thought no shoot. . .who else had six points for turkey?  But my point is it is statistically possible--and I proved it.  just like sandhill crane. . .should be hard to draw but since they don't accumulate points for that everyone has the same chance. . .and with turkey. . .think about, everyone has the perm point for hunter ed, most people have the loyatly point. ..so everyone is in both the bonus pool and the gen pool. . .so if you have a 1000 people put in and only 500 tags half of you aren't hunting that year.  And all you have to do is look at a roulette table and see just because it hit red last time doesn't mean its going to hit black this time. . .trust me, I was fit to be tied not drawing turkey with 5 points.

Poor guy.  Tell us more how the bad man hurt you.  Your idea of a new preference system is not a good idea.  You keep putting in for trophy hunts and get ate up when you do not draw.  Hunter recruitment would be SHITT if 50% went to highest bonus point holder.  Having a decent chance of drawing a tag each cycle is what keeps people interested.   

Suggestions to curb you from blowing a gasket every draw.

1. put in for easier draw hunts.

2. There are OTC archery turkey tags.  You claim to be a bowhunter mostly.

3. Hunt out of state

4. Quit applying

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1 minute ago, geoffsl said:

The tag issued was TAG #1.  I don't know if you have every paid attention to that, but they print right on your tag, what number your tag is.  So I got tag #1.  Which again, I thought of course was funny. . .but because I had 6 points to draw it made sense that I got the first tag.  So the year before, I didn't draw turkey with 5 points. . .it was the next year I drew with 6 points.  Which is why I said, I was fit to be tied when I didn't draw with 5--who would have thought 5 wasn't enough to draw turkey.  Yes, I put in for the same spring gobbler every year and will continue to do so. . but now that I dont have the points, I am not sure when I will get drawn again. . .to my point about the system . .I could draw again next and someone who hasn't hunted in a couple years gets skipped again.

You proved 5pts wasn’t enough to draw. 

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This is the part about the bonus point pass that you are missing…

In the Bonus Pass, the first and second hunt choices for all applications with maximum bonus points are looked at first. If permits are still available from the 20% allocation, then the next lower bonus point category is looked at; and so on, until all of the 20% allocation is issued or until all applications with 1 or more bonus points are read. Applications with zero bonus points will not be included in the 20% Bonus Pass of the Draw.

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10 minutes ago, geoffsl said:

I wish I were. . .we I drew this year. . .I had tag #1. . .and I thought no shoot. . .who else had six points for turkey?  But my point is it is statistically possible--and I proved it.  just like sandhill crane. . .should be hard to draw but since they don't accumulate points for that everyone has the same chance. . .and with turkey. . .think about, everyone has the perm point for hunter ed, most people have the loyatly point. ..so everyone is in both the bonus pool and the gen pool. . .so if you have a 1000 people put in and only 500 tags half of you aren't hunting that year.  And all you have to do is look at a roulette table and see just because it hit red last time doesn't mean its going to hit black this time. . .trust me, I was fit to be tied not drawing turkey with 5 points.

6 points? Amateur.


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