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so i'm taking a good friend out this weekend. he is from mizzou and hasn't hunted our wiley species yet. he borrowed a .243 but said wal mart only had 100 gr bullets. i have never shot anything less than an odd six in a 150 gr. is his round gonna be sufficient? if so out to what range?

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I shot my first two coues with a .243 and my brother shot his first two with a .243. We both used 100gr bullets. I shot mine between 150-250yds, my brother shot his second at close to 300yds. All four of those deer dropped in their tracks. The last one I shot with my 7mm ran a little ways (10yds) and my brother shot his buck last year with a 300wsm and it ran probably 20yds. So its sufficient...

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Plenty....seen many of bucks fall to the 243 past 300 yds, the most damage I have ever seen to coues. I would rather shoot a 243 to 300 yds than a odd 6.



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My daughter took her first deer using a 243 win, with 95 gr bullets. I believe my son shot three deer years ago using the same gun with remington factory 100 gr bullets. No problems.



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so i'm taking a good friend out this weekend. he is from mizzou and hasn't hunted our wiley species yet. he borrowed a .243 but said wal mart only had 100 gr bullets. i have never shot anything less than an odd six in a 150 gr. is his round gonna be sufficient? if so out to what range?


What distance is he sighted in for? What Kind of bullets (winchester rimington ect)? Let me know and i can tell you off of me nightforce ballistics data pocket pc.

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My wife shot hers last year with 100 grain Rem Core Lokt at 365yds. The buck did a back flip and slid down the hill stone dead. A lot of that is shot placement but the bullet was quite effective.

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100 grain bullet should be fine. I've used a 243 all my life while hunting coues. Shot placement is the most important especially when you get out to those longer ranges. Good luck on your hunt!

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lot a stuff has been taken w/ 100gr core-lokt outa a 243. I shot a few carp, an elk, and seen plenty of whitetails taken too. Carp were 100-300 yards, elk was 100 and whitetails out to 300. Shot a few stink pigs with it too when i was younger on youth hunts, furthest was around 350 i think. I would want somethin with a little more wallop and a better bullet to buck the wind if i was shootin past 350

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We use .243's a lot back home in ND, my dad actually shot a 22-250 for 20 years. He killed more deer with that gun then anyone I know. It has a lot more to do with the guy behind the trigger then the caliber, I killed a 250lb. buck back home a couple years ago when I was coyote hunting with my AR-15 in .223. I am so used to shooting jackrabbits and fox with it that it felt like i was shooting at a barn, needless to say he didn't make it far. Not that I recommend .223, I have plenty of other guns that are more suited for deer, but if you know how to shoot it, you're 99% of the way there. I actually killed a deer with a .17 Remington once too, shot him through the lungs and it absolutely vaporized them! Wouldn't ever risk a shoulder shot, but I use the gun for shooting pheasants in the head cause my neighber can't bite into pellets (dental probs), so a deers lungs were a pretty easy target!!! Moral of the story, the .243 will be perfect for what you're doing with it... the 100gr bullets too, I don't know that the make anything factory much heavier.

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  youngbuck said:
lot a stuff has been taken w/ 100gr core-lokt outa a 243. I shot a few carp, an elk, and seen plenty of whitetails taken too. Carp were 100-300 yards, elk was 100 and whitetails out to 300. Shot a few stink pigs with it too when i was younger on youth hunts, furthest was around 350 i think. I would want somethin with a little more wallop and a better bullet to buck the wind if i was shootin past 350



As being relatively new to the group, am I correct to assume carp= mule deer?

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  azphil said:
  youngbuck said:
lot a stuff has been taken w/ 100gr core-lokt outa a 243. I shot a few carp, an elk, and seen plenty of whitetails taken too. Carp were 100-300 yards, elk was 100 and whitetails out to 300. Shot a few stink pigs with it too when i was younger on youth hunts, furthest was around 350 i think. I would want somethin with a little more wallop and a better bullet to buck the wind if i was shootin past 350



As being relatively new to the group, am I correct to assume carp= mule deer?


Ding Ding!!!


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Your buddy with a 243 will do just fine... Many folks shoot more accurately with a light kicking 243 than a larger cartridge they are afraid of! The 95/100 grain bullets are designed for deer/antelope sized critters. My famly has shot a meat locker full of mule deer with a 100 gr Hornady. Out to 400 yds they are deadly, past that the energy drops off a bit... but 400 yards is farther than most folks need to shoot. Good luck and shoot straight! D.D.

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I have seen LOTS of ELK die from a 100gr 243. and many deer as well, with plenty of punch from 300 to 500 yards. With awesome bullet holes and damage comparable to larger bore rifles. Sight in at 200 Yards andd get after it!


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well he missed the rifle was jed clampet special but scope was old and done wouldnt move from 1 inch low and 3 inches left at 25 yds so i tried t explain compensating to him and his last shot was almost there but it sent the buck into ludacris speed. he is buying one now so if we can draw again next year we'll hopefully fair better thanx for all of ur input guys

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