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Red Rabbit

The Barack IL Gun Owners Know

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It's all there in Black & White for all to see, all you have to do is look at their voting record and what the've said in the past, even recent past, before he declared he was running. Now he's conveniently & strategically moving his position to the center to get elected - I don't care what the guy says now, his and Biden's actions and records have spoken louder than any words that he can so eloquently spew out his piehole. He's a blatant LIAR on just about everything that comes out his mouth, so's Biden. I won't vote for someone who so freely lies about his record, community organizing, relationships with his criminal & terrorist friends. The DC gun ban case was decided by one vote in the Supreme Court - without that one vote we'd be facing countless other gun ban lawsuits for years to come. You let that guy appoint 2-4 Ultra liberal supreme court justices, plus a couple hundred other liberal federal judges throughout the rest of the country - add that to a super majority dumbocrat congress and senate run by dirty harry and botox pelosi and we will all be saying "Houston We Have A Problem" Then you add in all the other crap they want to do with taxing us to death and redistributing hard working taxpayer dollars to those that don't contribute, limiting our freedom of speech with their (un) fairness doctrine. They want your guns, your money, your free speech. Bill of Rights, whats that? Mr. Rodgers can you say civil war?

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Anyone out there have an SBR tax stamp? If you don't mind, pm me. I have a few general questions about getting one.



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Just my opinion, but I wouldn't worry about getting and Short Barreled Rifle (SBR).....buy enough AR's for each family member and 1000 rounds for each. I've had a number of full-autos and they are fun but SUPER expensive.


As you said we should all be investing in precious metals to feed the guns we have.




Well put my friend well put!!!!!!!!

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what i wanna know is why they call it a "CRIME" bill? a gun can't commit a crime. if you have a gun are you automatically a criminal? why don't we have a "CRIMINAL" bill?



Same reason they call it "global warming" (it ain't).

Same reason they call it "gun control" (it doesn't).

Same reason they call it "freedom of choice" (sounds alot better than infanticide), (or murder).

Same reason they call it "planned parenthood" (it is neither).

Same reason they call it being "gay" (they're not).

Same reason they call it "evolution" (there has never been one proven find of a transitional species, nor a proven case of macro evolution - nothing has ever been proven to have evolved).

Same reason they say intelligent design is not "scientific" (neither is the theory of evolution by the definition of science).

Same reason they call it "tollerance" (If you openly declare the traditional marraige as being between one man and one woman and say the Bible tells us so, you are labeled a closed minded hateful bigot).



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from what i recall about the mccain leiberman gun bill, all the anti gun groups were against it because it loosened things up for gun owners and dealers and gave cops more teeth to deal with criminals. anything an anti gun group is againt, i'm probably gonna be for. there is room for better laws to keep guns from criminals. but we need to enforce the ones we have now, before any new stuff gets mandated and then not enforced. if anyone cares anything about hunting, they won't vote for obombus. if you do vote for him, you will put the chain on your own ankles. Lark.


Interesting.... The McCain Leiberman gun act would close ALL gun shows... Go to the NRA website and look.


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