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The Barack IL Gun Owners Know

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I've been spending a mint stocking up for "crime bill 2". Ammo, mags, receivers, powder, primers, etc. Am I the only nut case doing this?

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You are not ANYWHERE NEAR BEING OFF BASE!!!! Me brother and I have been buying up ammo like it's the last available.....someday it very well may be.....especially if Obama has his way!!!! That guy can kiss my skinny white butt!!!!!

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Have a look at "crime bill 2": http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c110:H.R.1022.IH:


It's been brewing in congress for a few years now, although if osama gets in, they may have enough clout to get it passed. Basically, it brings back "crime bill 1", the "assault" weapons ban, but with more bad stuff. Of course, it bans hi-cap mags, but it also defines an "assault" weapon as any semi-auto as having only one evil feature (detachable mag, pistol grip, bayo lug, a folding or telescoping stock, etc) and adds a barrel shroud or hand guard. This definition fits almost all semi-autos made! It bans the manufacture of "assault" weapons, but also the new manufacture of the evil features. So, if you want a new hand guard for your AR, you'll have to buy one used somewhere, for big $$.


The only good news is that existing "assault" weapons are grandfathered, but if you want to buy or sell one, it has to go through an FFL.



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Back in 93 when they were talking crime bill 1, I ran around to all the Smitties stores in PHX and bought all the 30 round 10/22 mags I could find for $5 each. I sold most of them, maybe 3 dozen on ebay for $40 - 50 each, at least until ebay started prohibiting the sale of evil things.



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what i wanna know is why they call it a "CRIME" bill? a gun can't commit a crime. if you have a gun are you automatically a criminal? why don't we have a "CRIMINAL" bill? you know, where they enforce the law and put @$$holes in prison for breakin' it. like they say, when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns. guess what, they're gonna make me and you outlaws with their BS. another thing i wonder, awhile back there a quite a few folks on this site talkin' about how good o' guy obama is and how they were gonna vote for him. where are you lackies now? how come we never see anyone supporting this joker on here anymore? i see you guys on other threads here. if obama gets elected you can plan on walking a lot, because you won't have any gas. not hunting, because it will die a death of a thousand cuts. they'll outlaw bullets, powder, primers, etc and then they'll put such a fine definition on what kinda guns you can own, that you can't own one. the global warming wierdos will be able to run rampant and outlaw everything that makes life better. the only thing the endangered species act won't cover is humans. you'll be in the welfare line, because that's where they want everyone, because the gov't can live your life for you better than you can. you'll have to get a visa to travel state to state (something that janet reno tried to float). you'll be taxed literally to beyond the grave. if you have a decent job and can pay your bills, you will be the rich guys he's talking about that he's gonna take the money from so he can support all the bums in this country. so, where are you obama freaks? i wanna hear someone give me one good reason to vote for this sob. i truly hope the bradley effect works. Lark.

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Amen!!!!! I've recently started praying, everyday that Obama doesn't get elected. And you can bet that God expects us to make that decision.....hope the majority of US registered voters and the the electoral college answer my prayer......

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what i wanna know is why they call it a "CRIME" bill? a gun can't commit a crime. if you have a gun are you automatically a criminal? why don't we have a "CRIMINAL" bill?



Well said Lark, well said!!!!

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from what i recall about the mccain leiberman gun bill, all the anti gun groups were against it because it loosened things up for gun owners and dealers and gave cops more teeth to deal with criminals. anything an anti gun group is againt, i'm probably gonna be for. there is room for better laws to keep guns from criminals. but we need to enforce the ones we have now, before any new stuff gets mandated and then not enforced. if anyone cares anything about hunting, they won't vote for obombus. if you do vote for him, you will put the chain on your own ankles. Lark.

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Are you ok? That's the FIRST post I've ever read from you that didn't hurt my head and eyes to try to figure out all the redneck words and abbreviations......


Well said though

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