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Shooting/reloading Items

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Located in Sierra Vista, w/ occasional trips to Tucson and Phx.  Once-fired bulk brass is full-length sized, deprimed, trimmed, chamfered and deburred.  .30-06 is Win.  Lake City Match .308 brass is primed w/ CCI M-34 primer.  

Re: Bulk brass, I have about 100 pcs. W-W .30-06, and 267 pcs. Lake City .308 MATCH.

Can send photos upon request.  Call or text 7 zero 2 three 7 eight nine 9 0 seven.

Remington 700 new unfired takeoff barrel, .270 Win.  $75

Lyman All American FL die set, .222 Rem.             $15

Weaver K4 Scope CH w/ Leupold low rings, blue.       $185

Leupold M8 4x gloss, fine CH, ANIB.                  $240

Weaver tip-off rings, 1”, 2 pr.                      $16

Weaver tip-off rings, 1”, see-through.                     $8

Leupold extension rings, medium, 1” blue.            $14

Leupold medium rings, 1”, blue.                      $14

Lake City primed (M-34) match brass, .308 Win.       $.65 ea.

Commercial brass w/box, once fired, .30-06. $9/box

Commercial brass, bulk, once fired, .30-06. $.55 ea.

Clymer throat reamer, w/T-handle, .224 cal.                $20

Game in the Desert by JOC, slip-cased.                     $45

Game in the Desert by JOC, publisher sealed.         $45

Game in the Desert by JOC, VG condition.             $35

The Art of Hunting Big Game in North America by JOC. $35

Barnes Original bullets, .277, 150 gr., 26 ct.       $13

Speer, Hot-Cor bullets, .308 BTSP, 180 gr., 58 ct.   $29

Hornady, .308 BTSP, 180 gr., 72 ct.                  $36

Hornady, .257 PSP, 87 gr., 80 ct.                    $20

Pachmayer Presentation K-frame grips.                $27

Edited by forepaw
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Rifle scabbard is sold (thanks Steve!)

Reasonable offers welcome on other items.

Also have "The Shotgun Book" by Jack O'Connor.  Good condition, w/ dust jacket.  $35.  These O'Connor classics are entertaining to read, and full of common-sense advice based on shooting experience that is mostly not available anymore (but still useful). They are nice to have on the bookshelf next to the shoulder mounts.


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39 minutes ago, 10Turkeys said:

Are those Game in the Desert books the original or revised edition?

These are reprints, not sure of each copyright.  My personal copy is from Amwell Press, 1977, third printing, 1985.  

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I've got a revised edition myself. I bought one of Oconnors books and when I opened it up, there was a letter from Connor to another OutdoorLife writer named Ben East. How it got in the book I have no clue.


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That is a very cool find!  Looks like an original.  Probably sent the carbon copy, or else forgot to send it at all.  He would have been 58 yrs. old, in his writing prime, though maybe not his most energetic hunting years.  Not a big deal, as by then, he was well enough established that Outdoor Life was paying for him to go to Iran, Africa, India, the Yukon, the NWT, you name it, all first class and amenities.  

I have been to the JOC Hunting Heritage and Education Center in Lewiston, and walked by his house (several times).  Lots of character and history there.  The info and advice in his books is still useful these many years later.  He was gifted as a writer, but he also worked at it.

I see you are in Chandler, but the Special Collections room at the UA library has originals of many of his books.  That's where I read "Boomtown" and "Conquest" - both extremely rare and valuable books.

Thanks for posting!

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