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2 hours ago, trphyhntr said:

antelope 2 helpers

Early season elk 1 

general season elk 3

general season deer 3

trophy deer season 4 

ram season 5

Source: I made it up 

I didn't see your list when I responded before and truthfully that isn't a bad list at all. Too bad tags are so hard to get that when one gets one he/she has multiple friends that want to help and experience it.  I will still take all the help I can get on most hunts, but I'm getting old and tired and don't hunt like I used to. 


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1 hour ago, WHT_MTNMAN said:

I didn't see your list when I responded before and truthfully that isn't a bad list at all. Too bad tags are so hard to get that when one gets one he/she has multiple friends that want to help and experience it.  I will still take all the help I can get on most hunts, but I'm getting old and tired and don't hunt like I used to. 


Oh yeah I get it, I’m not even against it. I’m going to do the same thing most likely if I ever get ram. 

with the advancements we’ve made in hunting I just don’t feel the fair chase argument is worth having anymore to an extent. 

we could all come to an agreement on the amount of people, but then there’s long distance shooting, someone won’t agree with that. Then we could agree on that and someone would say google earth isn’t fair chase. 




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44 minutes ago, bonecollector said:

Im just mad now I dont have 30 friends to help me on hunts. 

Jimmy Johns didn't either.

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3 hours ago, missedagain said:

G$F outlawed trail cameras because they thought it violated fair chase but you think 30 guys working together to kill and elk is ethical?


Never said it was ethical or not. I just asked how it was cheating. 

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3 hours ago, AZAV8ER said:

Lets say for example you and I had a beef and were going to duke it out mano a mano, would you feel it a fair fight if I brought along a dozen friends to held me fight you? No one said illegal, said it's not fair chase.

I’ve seen it brought up a couple times of 30 guys surrounding a deer or elk. In Payson, it takes less than 10 minutes and you can be glassing somewhere in 22. Guys at work all chip in to help each other. I don’t feel it’s cheating if you are out in the woods glassing helping guys out, whether it’s two of you or 30 of you spread out. When somebody kills an elk in a hole, there might be 10-20 of us show up to help pack out. Sure there might be a picture of a bunch of guys in a kill photo but that doesn’t take away the friendship, tailgate beers, and good times.  

If you showed up with a dozen guys, sure that's probably not ethical and I may feel cheated, but that’s why you have a spare magazine to even up 🤣


All is good though. I’m not that passionate about how many guys hunt together, just seems like @trphyhntr is getting soft fishing every weekend so I just wanted to stir the pot.

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dang, saw 3 new pages of posts and was hoping Bob was making a fool of himself again. I am disappointed in the discussion.  Grin...

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1 hour ago, bonecollector said:

Im just mad now I dont have 30 friends to help me on hunts. 

For jimmy john and other high priced hunters they are not friends they're employees. 

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3 hours ago, missedagain said:

G$F outlawed trail cameras because they thought it violated fair chase but you think 30 guys working together to kill and elk is ethical?


G$F most definitely has our modern style of hunting be it long range sniping or posse hunting figured into how many tags are issued so taking advantage of an edge I don’t think is technically cheating or unethical by today’s standards. Posse hunting is definitely pretty far from my style but I can see when someone pays $300k or whatever the “shooter” paid for that bull it really has become more just a harvest by any means necessary for that head on the wall. That’s just the world we live in. The 30 guys in the field helping Jimmy John kill that bull didn’t mess with anyone else’s hunt as it happened in August I believe. I guess if anyone participates in a hunt where it takes an army to kill an animal and he can feel good about himself that’s all that matters. 

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2 hours ago, trphyhntr said:

with the advancements we’ve made in hunting I just don’t feel the fair chase argument is worth having anymore to an extent. 

Never really was worth having, except for entertainment purposes.

Fair chase is personal preference.  For me I've never taken an animal farther than 190 yards and 95 percent of the time i am solo.  The guys I hunt with don't have a problem shooting 700+ yards  with 3 or 4 spotters and I couldn't be happier for them. 

You do you

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1 hour ago, bonecollector said:

Im just mad now I dont have 30 friends to help me on hunts. 

I'd be happy with 3 haha. Been hunting almost exclusively solo for many years now, and I happen to think I'm a pretty nice guy - just not social apparently <_<

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13 hours ago, Sky Island junkie said:

G$F most definitely has our modern style of hunting be it long range sniping or posse hunting figured into how many tags are issued so taking advantage of an edge I don’t think is technically cheating or unethical by today’s standards. Posse hunting is definitely pretty far from my style but I can see when someone pays $300k or whatever the “shooter” paid for that bull it really has become more just a harvest by any means necessary for that head on the wall. That’s just the world we live in. The 30 guys in the field helping Jimmy John kill that bull didn’t mess with anyone else’s hunt as it happened in August I believe. I guess if anyone participates in a hunt where it takes an army to kill an animal and he can feel good about himself that’s all that matters. 

Depends on who you ask. 


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14 hours ago, Big or Bust said:

dang, saw 3 new pages of posts and was hoping Bob was making a fool of himself again. I am disappointed in the discussion.  Grin...

Bob is busy watching Copa America Soccer at the moment.

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It's no fun when on an archery hunt, you scout hard.  The season opens and each spot you go to, a non hunter tells you we have a client in this spot.  And the same thing happens all day...  Then you say screw it and just hunt, and ignore the rudeness.  Only to find that night your camp has been messed with, or your truck now has multiple flat tires.    Some guides and multiple helpers act has if they own the entire unit because they have a client.

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