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Biden said a test is coming.

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This is what Bidden said about B.O. taking over. http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalradar/20...-to-suppor.html

Oh joy another crises. At least Bush has kept us from some test like this four the last few years. I also do not think they would test John because they know he will fight them back. That is what I want is a pres that will lead us into a test like this. I just hope it is not on American soil.

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They are all mere men. It matters to me which man is the new pres, but whoever it is is will face some tremendous pressures, and we will be along for the ride. I hope its the man with experience and some form of moral backbone.

Regardless, GOD is in charge and will do with the world as He pleases. I read the Book. Hang on fellas...


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I wouldn't normally think much of this, but I know of a city worker, who has left the state, due to DHS telling their dept to expect severe civil unrest in the next 60-90 days in Phoenix. I'm not paranoid, but I think it's time to finish the AR and stock up on supplies.

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I think by this Biden statement, that he just bit Obama on the butt.

And Biden is the wise one with experience? I think he is correct about this testing, but a stupid thing to say pollitically if you are trying to win the presidency.


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Biden may or may not have been prophetic about Obama being our next president, but he was right on about a time of crisis not being far away.


No matter who is elected, Israel has had enough of that madman in Iran badmouthing and threatening the "Zionists." It probably won't happen until after our elections, but I for one will not be surprised to wake up one morning soon and hear that the Israelis have attacked Iran's nuclear facilities.


After that, we can expect all heck to break loose in that region.


Bill Quimby

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Gun sales are up in the country... Way up... and that is about the only thing that is. Most folks are worried about the Obama-ssiah and his track record on making guns and ammo as inaccessible to Americans as possible.

I'm going to get a couple next weekend right before the election to do my part for the economy and express my own "support" for the Obama-ssiah's new order!

BO's Lemmings might call it Paranoid but I call it prepared!

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Many middle east experts have predicted that Israel will commence bombing Iran soon after the "Messiah" is declared the winner. They know that he will side with Iran. He's said as much already. Even Luis Farrakhan said Iraels days of favortism will soon be over. (but he's not racist, right?)


Iran needs oil prices to be over $80/bbl and the only way they can do that is to try and cause a crisis that threatens supplies. They can't stop producing crude, like OPEC wants to, because they need to sell it and sell it at a high price.

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