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Red Rabbit

Witnessed an Attempted Murder

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Had me fooled also. I'm glad it wasn't a human even though there are some out there that deserve it. :)



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Boys, thier are lots of varmints that deserve that fate inside the city limits as well as in the hills... Some 4-legged and some 2-legged... Great post! Keep up the good work!!! D.D.



I have no problem with shooting varmits-what I don't get is the hatred towards the coyotes-what do you think a coyote is supposed to eat in a natural environment-purina granola bars?

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No hate- just logic- fewer 'yotes- maybe more deer, antelope and elk = more draw permits= more outdoor time and fun

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Dang, Doug!!! You had my blood pumpin'!!! :lol: :lol: would have like to know there was one less "scum Bag".... but one less Yote is good, too!!! ;) :lol:

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Way to go Doug . Good on Ya .


Suppose Red Rabbit can hate 'yotes if he wants .


If coyotes are doing this , I wonder what those good ole wolves are doing ?

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Good story Doug!

What if it were humans not yotes? Do you know what to do?


I thought I did until I took a CCW this past Saturday. There are WAY more rules of engagement than you might think - and although you felt justified by "wasting" the scumbags who had attacked the young girl, there are MANY circumstances in which you will escape conviction, but spend 10's or 100's of thousands of dollars defending your actions against a civil suit filed by the scumbag's survivors - even if they are frigging illegal aliens!!!


Hope it never happens to any of us, but should have to use deadly force - an 8-hour CCW class that costs $40 could save your civil life/freedom.


CLICK HERE for Blackwolf CCW

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I knew it was a bogus story. Red Rabbit would have surely taken some postmortem notes to appraise us as to the performance of his chosen bullet. A little more description as to entry/exit wound, any indicators of bullet failure, etc...


I would also expect bullet retrieval on any non-exit shot with a full breakdown on penetration, weight retention, and expansion. Maybe a description on the secondary wound cavity and his thoughts on hydrostatic shock (velocity) versus primary wound channel (mass).


Now that would have had me going....

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Wow that was a crazy story. If he'd not come out and said something I would of been scowering the flagstaff newspaper to find something on the storry of a man shooting an attacker. Good job on the kill though one less yote in the world. Isn't it amazing in todays society we can actually parallel people with animals.

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I knew it was a bogus story. Red Rabbit would have surely taken some postmortem notes to appraise us as to the performance of his chosen bullet. A little more description as to entry/exit wound, any indicators of bullet failure, etc...


I would also expect bullet retrieval on any non-exit shot with a full breakdown on penetration, weight retention, and expansion. Maybe a description on the secondary wound cavity and his thoughts on hydrostatic shock (velocity) versus primary wound channel (mass).


Now that would have had me going....



Doug, I think he has your number on this because I know this is EXACTLY what you would have done!

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