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Unit 33 Monster

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News couldn't have been better. I got drawn for a Unit 33 December hunt. Since I was already attending college at the University of Arizona I devoted just about every weekend to scouting.


Finally December rolled around and I got to take the 7 mag out of the closet. Though I am only 21 years old and have only shot 2 deer prior to this hunt, my mind was set on that 100 incher. It seemed as though day after day rolled by. With each one passing I kept kicking myself for passing a couple of 90 inchers thinking that I might not get another chance. Almost pulled the trigger on a real monster but surprisingly and to my dissapointment a coati troop came up the canyon and spooked the does, and of course the big buck followed. With only glimses though the brush and no clean shot the light faded and the big buck got away.


Christmas rolled around and I decided to take a break. After Christmas my father came down to help me out. We got to tucson around 1 and headed out only to find some hunters parked in my spot with a big buck in their back pack. What a bummer. Anyway we went on and spotted a buck to far to chase that evening and decided to be back in the morning. The next morning we spotted a good buck across the canyon we were hunting. We snuck over to within 250 yards but upon the closer look we realized that he was only a two by three. With heavy antlers he was a hard one to pass but 100 inches was still in my head. The day passed with no other shooters. The next morning was a different story. After glassing until about 9:30 we decided to move and look over a good saddle. On the way there a doe walked out on this hill in front of us about 160 yards. Suddenly from behind me my dad says "SHOOT". Following the doe this buck walked out into the open. One look at the main beams and I fired. To my amazement it was a monster that grossed at 110 and nets about 106 and 3/16 unofficially.

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Wow, Nice Buck Becker! Good job holding out for Mr. Big. Where in 33 were you hunting? I took a 93 in unit 33 on the first day out of the Happy Valley area, he's on page 42 if you want to see what he looks like. To tell you the truth, I thought he would go 100 when I hot him, but I didn't spend much time sizing him up, like 1 second. Congratulations Buddy! and welcom to the forum. :D :P :) :D :D

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I must say, With a story and photo like that, you sure do know how to make an entrance to the group! Welcome! :D

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Guest Ernesto C

Becker,congratulations!! and also welcome!! to CWT.com. Beatifull buck,more and better happy new year for you.


Ernesto C

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Nice buck there dude! Freakin awesome actually! You gonna give some props to Andy or is he full of it by saying he sent you in there to hunt where he'd got pics of that deer hitting his salt lick? Just messing.

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