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3C Turkey

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On 4/23/2022 at 7:25 PM, PineCountryHunter said:

Been tough sledding In 3c  this far, wind was killer Friday and all my good stand by spots have been void of sign and no noise at all. Hope others are having better luck. Going to try some new areas in the morning and pray 

I saw a gobbler on the 512 week before last, but he was the only one I’ve seen in the area.

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I ended up seeing 2 gobblers in 4 days of hunting and never got a response when i was calling or shock calling before sun up. was a tough frustrating hunt. Places I have hunted for many years and seen lots of birds where empty of any sign at all. oh well, might try and get up later in the hunt for a few more days

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My kid had a youth tag in 3c this year. We tagged out opening morning at 708. The birds in there are very spotty

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Resurrecting this post if the above folks don't mind. LOL

My son has the youth tag starting April 18th and I have been racking my brain when I have ever seen turkey in 3c.

My in laws live in Taylor so I have helped on several elk hunts in that unit and have spent plenty of time between HW 260

and the Rim road but I haven't run into any turkey. I haven't seen any north of 260 either. LOL

Any areas around Pinedale or the Pinedale road to Taylor? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks


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