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Attention: Southern AZ Shooters

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This is notice of an upcoming meeting of the Sierra Vista Shooting Range/Cochise Gun Club next month.  You guys in E. Tucson, this is your range too!!!  So feel free to get involved and become familiar with what changes are needed to make this into a viable shooting range and gather info so you can be prepared to challenge some of the backward and anti-gun policies of AZGFD that are hampering full use and enjoyment of this and probably all public ranges in AZ.

This is just a reminder that the Cochise Gun Club Meeting will occur on Wednesday, April 13. 2022 at 7:00 at the VFW in Sierra Vista.  We encourage you to attend to see what your club is doing for you at the Range and what you can do for the Club at the Range.
It is important that we have as many attendees as possible so that we can make this the best club and Range as possible.  Only with our membership will this occur.  
Possible Discussion Topics:
1.  Coalition Issues and Updates
2.  Pizza Party Updates
3.  New Business for the Club and Range
4.  Upcoming Elections and who is running
Bring your thoughts and ideas and lets make this the best year for the club and range.
Thank you,
Debi Mc Inroy
Interim Secretary
Membership Chair
Cochise Gun Club
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