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You Catch Anything?

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I gotta say Tucson John; I don't agree with you and/or Casey. When I fish, I catch. When I grow a garden, I harvest. When I hunt, I kill. Harvesting animals??? Huh???


So the idea of harvesting animals may be sound, and I recognize that the G&F uses that term, but when was the last time you and your buddy(s) stood over a dead animal and had someone proclaim 'nice harvest!'? IMO, that is a term reserved for publication.... I use the word KILL when referring to hunting! ;)


At the end of the day though, to me it really doesn't matter what other people say (especially non-hunters...) catch, kill, harvest, whatever.....





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Kind of like the dog training book I was reading on how to potty train your dog..........if you dog eliminates on the floor do not spank them.............what the heck does eliminate mean???? That book made me laugh..................eliminate........Oh, hold on a second honey while I eliminate.............

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Stanley, I think you may have missed my point. I agree with you that "catch" is not the best term. I was just saying it's a good idea to not alienate people who made the effort to strike up a conversation. If you are polite and don't try to correct them, you might just win over an anti, or someone who is curious and never had the opportunity, and we (as hunters) need all the support we can get.







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I'm with you John! If you'll look at my first post on the topic, I think we definitely agree there. When a non-hunter asks me if I 'caught 'anything or if I 'harvested' anything, I generally just give them the answer that they were looking for as opposed to getting stuck on termanoligy (sp)....


My point was that as a hunter, I never purposely try to sugar coat it. If they ask me if I caught anything, I tell them yes or no. If I'm talking amoungst my buddies about hunting though, I just tend to never use the term 'harvest' as it relates to hunting. Seems like that's a term the G&F uses, but my buddies and I always refer to it as a KILL! LOL


No big deal.... just differing opinions, which is what makes the world go around! ;)





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I always look at this as an opportunity to foster good relations with nice folks who are non hunters, but are curious. These nice people made the effort to ask and to strike up a conversation, so I do not try to correct them, I just smile, try to make them feel comfortable, and show them whatever is is I "caught". I would never want to offend or alienate them. We (as Hunters) need all the support we can get!


just my 2 cents




That's exactly how I feel about it myself. Good one TJ. :)




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