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which buck ?

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really trying for a mount worthy buck this year. not a huge fan of mounts in velvet. just wondering what y'all think. say your sitting on 2 bucks one is hard horned the other still in velvet. now to most i would say if they were equal then the hard horned would be preferred. but say the velvet buck has 10" like 95" over 85" on the hard horned buck what would you do when searching for your wall mount.

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More than likely, I would shoot the velvet buck. I have always wanted one... Wouldnt really matter, as both of them would get led flung at them.. I would let dad shoot which ever one he wants, and I would shoot the other! (or shoot at it!)

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This late in the growth i would go for the hard horn buck the velvet is probably damaged in som spots now and the old velvet does not look as good as the fresh velvet.

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really trying for a mount worthy buck this year....not a huge fan of mounts in velvet....



You already answered your own question.


If it were me, though, I would shoot either one. Sorry, not much help here! haha


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