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When will CWT.com get it's 3,000th Member?

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I was reading a Newbie's post and saw CWT.com is closing in on it's 3000th member. How long do you think it will take to get there?

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The board says we currently have 2269 registered members......wonder why that's so different than what you saw?




My new member number is 2918. Is that different from the actual number registered?




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The board says we currently have 2269 registered members......wonder why that's so different than what you saw?




My new member number is 2918. Is that different from the actual number registered?




Hmmm.....not sure. Perhaps the numbering just continues as people register but doesn't go backward when people get deleted (like the spammers). So I am thinking the number of registered users is the current total and the member number is a running total including those that were deleted.




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The board says we currently have 2269 registered members......wonder why that's so different than what you saw?





I was going off the last member number. Either way having that many members says a lot about the site's founder! Thanks.

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