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Newbs and non resident dont's

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Don't use the term Grey ghost

Don't pronounce coues as 'cows' deer (Newberg does this and his name is now a bad word)

Don't mention you're  from California 

Don't use arizona as a descriptive noun. For example, I have 27 arizona elk points 

Don't use the term(s) otc, diy, public land hunting. Otc is a touchy subject right now. We all hunt diy for the most part and Az is 65% public land with another 25% being reservation. 

Dont use the the term peccarry.  They are javelina. 

Don't mention all of the other states you hunt.  It doesn't matter, you are asking for advice in this state. 

Don't complain that you have been on two hunts and still have not tagged out. 

Don't bag on g&f. Us veteran hunters will do that.  You don't have enough street cred yet. 

Keep them coming. 

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Odocoileus virginianus couesi

The Coues whitetail deer — a Southwest subspecies of the common Eastern whitetail — was first scientifically described by American Army physician and noted naturalist, Dr. Elliot Coues, while stationed at Fort Whipple, Arizona, 1865 to 1866. Hence the Coues label. “Cows” is technically the proper pronunciation, though most who hunt them pronounce it “cooz.” Locally the deer is often referred to as Arizona whitetail, or “fantail” (due to their habit of flaring their large tails when alarmed).


25 minutes ago, idgaf said:

Don't pronounce coues as 'cows' deer (Newberg does this and his name is now a bad word)


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2 hours ago, idgaf said:

Don't use the term Grey ghost

Don't pronounce coues as 'cows' deer (Newberg does this and his name is now a bad word)

Don't mention you're  from California 

Don't use arizona as a descriptive noun. For example, I have 27 arizona elk points 

Don't use the term(s) otc, diy, public land hunting. Otc is a touchy subject right now. We all hunt diy for the most part and Az is 65% public land with another 25% being reservation. 

Dont use the the term peccarry.  They are javelina. 

Don't mention all of the other states you hunt.  It doesn't matter, you are asking for advice in this state. 

Don't complain that you have been on two hunts and still have not tagged out. 

Don't bag on g&f. Us veteran hunters will do that.  You don't have enough street cred yet. 

Keep them coming. 

Thank you for this post. Spot on.

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These ain't eastern whitetail, stop counting eyeguards as points.

That ain't no "levy" it's a dirt tank.

Mags ain't "clips."

AZ ain't got no "streams." If it's wet it's a river, if it's wide and dry, still a river.

We ain't got washes, it's pronounced "warsh" or "warshes. "

In the southern units, undocumented foriegher is an "illegal."

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7 hours ago, oz31p said:

Don’t Use an AR pistol on a ham hunt


If you can shoulder it, it's a rifle. 🤣

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9 hours ago, idgaf said:

Don't mention you're  from California 

Stay in California. If you don't you'd probably be smart to at least put on a fake license plate 😂

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Don’t start your post with "not asking for any honeyholes, just a place to start" especially when you have not looked at the G&F page under "where to hunt"

if someone helps you on a hunt and you don’t report back or post an update, your man card and hunting license should both be pulled. 

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22 minutes ago, dsotm said:

Stay in California. If you don't you'd probably be smart to at least put on a fake license plate 😂

I was in 36b on Monday. The count was 11 Californians to 2 az license plates including myself. 

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1 hour ago, Edge said:


AZ ain't got no "streams." If it's wet it's a river, if it's wide and dry, still a river.

We ain't got washes, it's pronounced "warsh" or "warshes. "


If you are south of I10 they are arroyos

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Do put a curve in the brim of your HUSH / Fire Bull hat. Flat brims are strictly prohibited. 

Do cover up your Biden/Harris bumper sticker.

Do put your MNT OPS in a beer can. Preferably a Busch Light or Tecate. None of that IPA, Fruit beer or Chocolate Stout.

Do remove your "Horn-Porn" vanity plate.


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