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Where's Lark ?

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Just noticed I have'nt seen Lark in a while. Maybe he is writing that book.Or maybe hes out chasing lion or something..?

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I say Lark = Wuss.


We all have asked him several times for his opinions and involvement in things. He has not responded.


Like others.........I am awaiting his predictable disagreement...............and livening up of this forum. I can't wait to disagree with him again. I live for it.

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Last I heard was he was seen headed north with a bad sickness. It was said the virus was seen with CHD on it. <_<

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SunofaGun, I knew it was Lark all along that was tryin' to do me in. If'n I knew what he looked like, I could have avoided him like the plague. Turns out it was prolly him I got close too, gettin' even with me for last fall and Darner and Coziah and all that incredible fun I had (I was right). I have had a boring life (and sick one!) since he and I last interacted. But don't tell Lark this, okay!


It's time for me to get well.....................which will only occur when he and I square off again....................and I win!


He didn't die did he??? I know his sorry, lazy-butt, Arizona cowpoke, infected, old tired ol' bones keep him from acting like a real man these days. But.......... I expect him to cowboy up and keep on livin' and givin grief!! He definitely needs to understand this!!


Lark needs to post up................or wuss out. No excuses.

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