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Antis at it again. Lions and Bears.

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I understand the need to make comments to show support but this just shows that this isn't about "conservation".  For a department that is so money hungry, why they don't have a better plan to scientifically prove the need of these hunts, etc is wild.  


If there is misinformation out there maybe the authority on the wildlife in the state should be correcting that. Stating facts with knowledge that literally nobody else has on AZ - and presenting an argument for why they manage the way they do.


Give the facts and let hunters support those facts. Instead we just have a shouting contest between hunters and antis.  

The whole premise is ridiculous.  Comments were meant to give AZGFD direction on what the public wants - not direct policy. If every hunter in the state wrote in that they wanted a deer tag they wouldn't do it because of obvious conservation concerns.  But because a known anti group is targeting AZ they lose their mind.


Maybe a cattle group should threaten to sue the AZGFD if they consider this?  Or the next camper - post no predator hunting - that gets attacked by a bear or lion should sue AZGFD for negligence.


I'm tired of hunters getting walked on and AZGFD taking such a passive and timid stance on everything. Complain about money, ask for more tags - but do nothing to fight for what you have. All that department knows is bureaucracy.

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Is the link working for you guys? I can't submit a comment..and last but not least..what my comment should say or how to say it in a professional manner? Thanks.

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2 hours ago, Ernesto C said:

Is the link working for you guys? I can't submit a comment..and last but not least..what my comment should say or how to say it in a professional manner? Thanks.

Type in the following email address "AZHuntGuidelines@azgfd.gov"

At the very least explain that hunting of these predators helps keep the prey and predator population more stable and wildlife populations recovered the last 100 years because of these efforts. It reduces major disease outbreaks, starvation, and increases genetic diversity. As managers of wildlife the AZGFD should be focusing on the health of the wildlife as a whole. Any bans would be a step back from efforts proven to benefit all wildlife species. 

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On 1/9/2022 at 7:57 AM, Flatlander said:

I don’t know why this never occurred to me. I wish we had bear baiting. We should ask them for it. If all it takes is a bunch of public comments let’s get started.

2 can play this game.

When the antis got baiting & the spring season shut down by initiative in Colo., many years ago, AGFD did the same with baiting here. Reason: To protect the spring season. Plus, if it went to an initiative, it was forever & ever. As it now stands, AZ still has a spring season & baiting can be reinstated, though it likely never will be.

So watch what you wish for. 

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On 1/8/2022 at 10:37 AM, JSR said:

So how often, out of the blue, do I need to tell the G&F that I support hunting? I mean besides the 6-8 tags me and my son apply for each and every year and our yearly purchase of a hunting license and OTC BEAR, deer, lion, javelina tags? 

Now is the time to email.

They have been approached by groups that want to eliminate lion, bobcat and bear hunting, these groups have no idea what wildlife  conservation is about.

They need the imput from the sportsmans here in AZ for fuel to battle these people.

They have to now address this, if those people are the only people with a voice, they will have no other choice or rebuttal  to  say that what we have now is the best for conversation of wildlife as a whole.

They have to show the negative impact on all wildlife if they get what they think is right. And they will be able to show that with our voice.

If we just set back with no voice to what we know is right, the people that want to ban this will just be able to say that hunters dont give a sh..

If you like hunting, the outdoors, you best send a email with your thoughts, they have to know we do care about our chance to hunt .And we will not put up with their bs ideas.

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8 hours ago, Flatlander said:

I don’t know why this never occurred to me. I wish we had bear baiting. We should ask them for it. If all it takes is a bunch of public comments let’s get started.

2 can play this game.

Why would you want baiting bears back?  Quotas get met fast enough as is...

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Email sent, thank you for the heads-up. 

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I was out sick for a bit, but heard about this 2 weeks ago & sent in my thoughts right away.  My comments not only supported managing these species through hunting, but also asked for the G&F to explain why Amber made such comments without asking for feedback from those of us who pay their salaries.  In addition I asked them to explain how the G&F can ensure this type of "non-support" of the hunting community doesn't happen again & why no public feedback from the hunting community was requested!

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18 minutes ago, 1uofacat said:

I was out sick for a bit, but heard about this 2 weeks ago & sent in my thoughts right away.  My comments not only supported managing these species through hunting, but also asked for the G&F to explain why Amber made such comments without asking for feedback from those of us who pay their salaries.  In addition I asked them to explain how the G&F can ensure this type of "non-support" of the hunting community doesn't happen again & why no public feedback from the hunting community was requested!

It was requested back on 12/29/2021. 


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AZGFD has hundreds if not thousands of pieces of communication like the one above every year, and expect you to read the one blurb that's important that's not even its own headline and if you didn't, it's your fault and you should try harder.

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2 minutes ago, Newbie2012 said:

It was requested back on 12/29/2021. 


good to know, didn't see that after looking on the G&F site.  Her overall "non-support" comment is still valid however, imo.  She could have simply said something like we're still obtaining comments. 


Also, "canceling" hunts should be FRONT PAGE news, and it certainly did not appear to be that to me.

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First, HAPPY EASTER everyone.

Second.  Hopefully I'm just misunderstanding something here.  Friend just tipped me off to this yesterday.  Please tell me it isn't true and that the Spring bear "recommended hunts" process isn't finished yet?  It looks like the Arizona Spring Bear Archery hunts (May through July) that there are no hunts currently recommended...


See this link:
AZ Hunt Recommendations - Fall 2022 and Spring 2023

Here is the direct link to the PDF


See page 36 and 37


This article from the "antis" seems to possibly indicate otherwise...and this process isn't finished yet?



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2 hours ago, lonne said:

First, HAPPY EASTER everyone.

Second.  Hopefully I'm just misunderstanding something here.  Friend just tipped me off to this yesterday.  Please tell me it isn't true and that the Spring bear "recommended hunts" process isn't finished yet?  It looks like the Arizona Spring Bear Archery hunts (May through July) that there are no hunts currently recommended...


See this link:
AZ Hunt Recommendations - Fall 2022 and Spring 2023

Here is the direct link to the PDF


See page 36 and 37


This article from the "antis" seems to possibly indicate otherwise...and this process isn't finished yet?



The recommendations that were proposed are exactly what passed on Friday, so the only spring hunts for 2023 bear are the non-permit hunts listed. 

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