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Jan Bowhunting bucks and boars

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I will be chasing deer and pigs come saturday, Whew no i get to hold out for the biggin

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i wont shoot a spike this early in the year, but usually a 3x3 or bigger gets and arrow flung

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Not well,

Didn't even get out til yesterday (Sunday). Left home at 3 am and drove down. Checked out a road in the dark that I've been wanting to see forever. Set up on a hill overlooking 2 canyons with tanks in the bottoms and waited for the horny bucks to show themselves. As the sun came up I saw immigrant trails and trash everywhere. All I saw was 2 does with fawns. No rut activity at all. Not even any pigs. I felt pretty sick, cell phone was dead and I was alone so I packed up about 3 pm and went home. How did everyone else do this weekend?


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treestand, you say pigmeat is good? we talkin' about javelinas? i think ya landed on yer head sorta hard last time ya fell outta yer stand. musta had some kinda effect on your olfactory senses. (sense o' smell and taste, to ya unejikated jokers) by the way, do ya hunt them pigs from a treestand? Lark.

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I've always been confused why so many hunters don't like pig meat. I agree that the pigs themselves smell pretty bad, kind of like a watered down skunk. If the proper field care is taken however, I don't think there is a better meat that javelina. And my family and extended family would agree. I spot and stalk pigs like most everyone else. I've also had quite a few good experience calling them in after they are bugered. I guess everyones tastebuds are different, but everyone I know that has tried it, has absolutely loved it.

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got my pig sat morning .never smelled anything so bad in my life.it was my first pig and my last.now the rest of the month coues deer.just got to decide if i want go to a new spot or old faithful.i guess if i want to learn of new areas this is the time to do it..................how can anybody eat those things? the guy that i was hunting with loves to eat them,that night he cooked some and he loved it ,but the smell ruined it for me

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Come on now. Just because the javies smell bad doesn't mean the meat tastes bad. Give it a try and don't think about the dead pigs smell and it will be a great experience. :(

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pigs stink and they taste bad. does "proper field care" include chunkin' em offa cliff? i use a bent barreled .30/30 with no sights and shoot blanks just to make sure i don't get one. yuk. Lark.

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I agree with Treestandman. I pesonally have had no better meat then well taken care of Javelina. The best meat is however from the young animals or the sows. An old mature bore is edible but not near as good as the young ones. So I personally try to hold out till I'm into a good sized herd and pick out the one I want. For a long time I heard the same old thing that Javelina were no good. I had to try it for myself one year and I found out nobody knew what they were talking about. :(

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That smell don't have anything to do with the meat. If you are wise you skin those stinky critters where they fall being careful not to get the smell all over yourself. Once the hide is off your left with some pretty tasty meat.


Don't make the mistake of carrying the darn thing with the hide on. That smell will get all over you and your pack and everything else the hide touches and then even prime rib won't taste the same and your camp-mates may just run you out of camp!


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