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"I don't like repeat offenders, I like dead offenders!..... Am I weird?"


"The second ammendment is my concealed weapons permit!"


How can a person argue with that?



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Perhaps McLame could further bolster his chances against Barak Hussien Osama by announcing his plans to appoint Ted Nuggent to Chief Executive butt-Kicker

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I only watch his show to support him. They have a too many commercials in the show to be top notch.


I will say that I LOVE his enthusiasm!! If I see him on TV I have to watch to hear what comes out of his mouth and to see the others listening to him mouths drop open.



I love it.









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Sorry, but it is my opinion that Ted Nugent and his dumb "whack 'em and stack 'em" attitude has done more in the past two decades to turn the non-hunting public's perception against us than any single person alive or dead.


I know he does what he does for its shock value, but it often pushes someone who has not yet made up her mind about us into falling off the wrong side of the log.


Bill Quimby

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Bill I agree with you 100%!! We should always try to mind our P's and Q's expecially around those that aren't "anti" but aren't "hunters" either.


I think Ted's shock value appeals to both hunters and gun owners but fails miserably at giving us any kind of positive image that someone with a more netural opinion might listen to.


However, that doesn't mean that Uncle Ted can't be right on with many of his political views. His message is good but his delivery in many cases is very poor.

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I agree. I have always liked uncle Ted, because he always speaks his mind and doesn't beat around the bush when something needs to be said. But on the other hand, it is not what you say, but how you say it. I am sure that he scares off the timid folk who might go either way on the views in question and he certainly doesn't appeal to the conservative side, but if you look past Ted's radical approach he is spot on about alot of things, he just needs to tone it down a notch or two when he is in the public eye, but that is just not his style. Kind of like the Howard Stern of hunting and 2nd amendment advocacy. ;)

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gotta admire his gut, wether its planned or just plain ignorance is irrelevant. im a fan of any guy that can speak his mind that freely and not fear the wrath of others. go ted!

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